Unavailable Data

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"Do you think people will miss all this food?" Matt asks me. I turn around while holding three cereal boxes, then shrug because verbal communication is impossible when your face is full of cereal. Matt walks over and helps me get down from the counter I was standing on to reach one of the shelves.

"We probably can't bring all this cereal though" I look down at my bounty of cereal. Fortunate charms, Weetabits, Special J and Eddsworld cereal with Just 'Tord' written over Edd... I'm calling copy right.

"Maybe just take one?" Matt suggests while laughing behind his hand. I think for a bit, making up my mind. I drop everything except the Fortunate charms. The 'Tordsworld' cereal just has the red pieces in it. My favourite coloured ones are the purple ones. No, not green, I don't have a Matt ego.

"Should we get the others anything?" I look up to Matt who took some of the cereal from the box I hid in my hoodie. "Hm, here!" He grabbed some instant noodles from the shelf next to him. Works for me. "Ok, let's go then". We both head out the back door of the cafeteria. This is truly a good day, having sugary cereal for dinner... Or at least a late lunch.

Outside it was dark. I squint to try and see through the dark. I walk out and we both instantly feel the cold. We shiver at the breeze and start walking, I stay close to Matt because I am still a personal heat provider.

We walk through the dark, our eyes eventually getting used to the dark. Or mine at least. I notice something in the corner of my eye. A figure? I stop walking, Matt stopped not long after me "Edd?" I feel an uneasy sense on my stomach. I remember where the barrier ended. It was not far behind the mess hall. This person couldn't of been a soldier, right? They're just behind the barrier.

"Matt, that person... They're behind the barrier" I point to the silhouette. Matt looks over to where I was pointing. I begin walking towards the figure "Edd, wait!" Matt calls out behind me. I ignore him and speed up more. I see a small red light coming from what I assume is a small device they were holding. The closer I get I notice they have a hood on.

The get close to the ground place the device there. "Hey!" I shout. They look up and quickly jump to their feet. They run to their right. I follow them, trying to run but it was difficult with a cereal box stuffed in my hoodie. I feel Matt grab my shoulder. I confirm this to look up at him, I look back at the anonymous runner who disappears behind a building.

Glancing over to where they planted the device I see the weirdest thing, it was going into the ground. "What, who?" I look up to Matt, who is just as confused as I am. He shrugs "I don't know... But I don't think we should stay here".

Matt pulls me close to his side and starts walking. I keep watching where the figure ran until we pass the building.

I started fiddling with the buttons on Tord's arm and accidently detached it. Now it's making a buzzy noise and it's freaking me out! The small blue light on the palm started going lighter and darker. I'm still sitting on the bed. Tord started moving in his sleep. Shit.

I jump off the bed run over to the bathroom. Shutting the door and sit against it. The robotic arm just kept making noises. I stare at the palm, I press my finger on it and it stops. The blue circle glowed brightly, making me close my eyes. Re-opening them I was surprised to see a hologram of what looks like the whole army base. A red circle was around the edge of the base. I think for a bit, maybe it's voice operated "Enhance?" it worked! Nice one, Tom! It showed Edd, Matt and some random hooded person behind a line. The hell? I squint. "Uhh, Identify?" Will that work?

It started scanning the three. In all digital caps it said 'NO CHIP FOUND'. Well, that helps. "Tom?" I hear Tord call. Shit. "Delete new data" I instruct. 'DELETING' the hologram started erasing the screen with a neat animation of the screen disintegrating. I stand up, inhale sharply to explain why I had his arm while hiding in the bathroom.

I open the door, Tord turned around and sighed in what abounded like relief "You're still here.. You ok?" He smiles, looking stressed out for some reason. He doesn't question the arm first? I chuckle a bit "Yeah, my legs feel like hell though".

He giggles once or twice then notices his arm in my left hand "Why, do you have that?" I glance down to the metal limb. "Well, I accidently took off your arm". That's pretty honest.

"So, you took it to the bathroom with you?" He tilts his head in confusion. Shit. I inhale sharply and hold my breath "Yup" I struggle to say.

It goes quiet, he gives me a glare with both eyes. Haven't seen him glare at me like that in a long ass time... His mouth even in a slight snarl. My chest starts to tighten, not instead of not wanting to breathe. I can't breathe at all.

He forces his eyes shut then re-opens them with the most soulless eyes. He holds out his other hand, I watch him as I place the arm in his hand. "You aren't mad, are you?" I wince, should I try and guilt trip him out of this? He doesn't reply, he just examines the arm in complete silence.

"T-tord?" I start fiddling with my fingers, feeling anxiety swell. He doesn't reply. It's dead quiet still. I'm going to go with my other approach. "I'm sorry" I mumble, looking to the floor. I start thinking sad thoughts. No tears it looks like. "I-I shouldn't have taken your arm, I'm sorry".

"Tom, are you crying?" He asks, sounding way softer than I expected him to. I wipe away the non-existent tears in my right eye. I purposely sniffle "No I'm not, I'm fine". I heard him click his arm back in seconds before getting hugged "Don't be sorry, I should be sorry!" He started panicking. I succeed. I hug him back to just show I was alright.

He got off me, I saw he was even crying. I double succeed. "You're crying, communist" I laugh a bit, pointing at his tears. "You're one to talk" He giggled, poking my nose. What? I feel my cheeks. It was more like water falls than actual crying. "Oh shut up". I shove my hands in my hoodie pockets.

I hear him giggle again, it goes quiet. I look back to him. He was watching his arm. "I'll.. Be right back" He straightened his back because he had to lower his height to hug me. With no further word, he went to the elevator, hit the ground twice and was sent down.

~??? P.O.V~

About to put my final device down I stop, hearing the spire's elevator slide open. Red leader. He stepped out, clicking the palm of a new robotic arm. A robot arm? Oh no, how much trouble did he get in when he ran off?!

A blue screen popped above his hand. Carefully changing my angle so I can see what's on the screen. Red leader was distant but I could just hear what he was saying "review data" he stated.

Bright blue words popped up on the screen. 'NO DATA FOUND'. "What? That can't be right, search again!" A loading symbol appeared on this screen. Then the same words popped up 'NO DATA FOUND'.

He swore silently before trying again "Check hard drive".


"Latest recorded data?"


"Earliest recorded data?!"


He goes quiet. He grumbles before speaking clearly "Motherfuck... Last user?!"

The loading symbol popped up for a good ten seconds.


A small growl turned into a blood curdling scream, he started smashing this metal arm against the glass elevator. That... Does not look good. I quickly place the device into the dirt, clicking the small button. It starts digging into the dirt like a crab.

I nod before running off into the forest. Not much longer...


OOOooOoOoOOh Drama, mystery is starting.

Yeah, I got this done today cus my birthday is tomorrow so no writing for this chump!

Well. Bye! <3

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