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I stay snuggled on Matt's chest and Ringo stays on my lap, as I read the book we tend to do now a-days. Matt's playing with my hair as I read. Matt wanted to read but- We all know he has trouble with reading. I love him, I really do. But he can't read.

After a while of reading, there was a knock on the door, I stop and look up. "It's probably Yuu" I remind Matt who made a small confused and terrified noise. I put ringo carefully on the bed, get up, walk over and open the door to see Yuu standing there with a black hood over him, and a white mask with a black 'X' on it "Hello Edd, my apologies for the ominous appearance" Yuu greeted, putting his hands in his pockets.

"It's fine, I get it. You gotta stay hidden", I smile, standing to the side to let him in "Uh, you wanna come in?"

"Oh, thank you" Yuu put his hands up like he was in a moment of realisation. He stepped in and looked around "I see they cleared out a lot of my stuff" He says, sounding disheartened. Now that I think about it, it was highly likely we were staying in Yuu's old room on the plane.

Matt was standing up already and had his hood back on. "So, what'd you need?" Matt asks after Yuu was quiet for a while. "Oh right, silly me" He hit himself in the side of the head once "Give me a moment". He said as he took a bullet from his belt as he hummed in an overly cheery tone.

I was about to ask why he had a gun but decided he knew what he was doing, from the opposite side of the belt he pulled out the gun that Jordan held prior. He loaded the one bullet into the gun and walked over to the fridge. What? He perfectly placed it on the keyhole for the freezer and shot.

The fridge made a gear turning sound and opened with the door holding the most gore inducing gun I've ever seen. It was like a regular shotgun, with a sharp blade on the end so you could stab someone before shooting them. Yuu seemed so innocent, why would he have this?

He picked up the weapon, looking so excited, "Thank you, sorry for intruding, really!" He said before grabbing the black holding for the weapon, a black scabbard like case that sits on your back, like an bow... That is if the arrows were held on the leather sash part of the case.

"Uhh, it's no problem" I finger gun him while staring at the weapon still, noticing some of the bullets have sharp ends, smaller knives for your knife gun? Yeesh, Yuu. "Well, I hope you two have an exceptional evening, good night to you both" He waves, about to turn to leave when Ringo started rubbing on his leg "Oh, and how could I forget you, I hope you have a purr-fect evening, little one" He knelt and pet Ringo.

I'd laugh if I wasn't disturbed. Yuu stood up and walked out "G'night!" He waved as he left. I turn around to Matt who was wide eyed and confused. "I thought he was innocent..." I say quietly, "I thought wrong". I'm still going to illegally adopt him though.

Making sure to hit the button with my elbow, I listen to the magnet room's door open. Walking over and pulling it the rest of the way made me feel anxious to see who I'd speak to. Zap? My thoughts on him are complicated. Pat? It's honestly who I'd prefer to talk to right now.

Before I left Damien who was spinning in his chair as usual spoke up "Make sure to use protection" He stuck his tongue out while smiling like usual.

"Damien, why?!" Jordan scolded, looking up from his blue prints. Damien seemed confused, but it was hard to tell with him spinning "You don't want STDS, that's a pretty good reason why". He shrugged, letting go of the chair caused him to fall off. "If Paul gets STDS I can and will laugh".

I wince, cringing without a doubt. "Damien, don't joke about stuff like that. It's a horrible disease!" Jordan reminds him, sounding offended. As you should. "I'd laugh at anyone's death of anything" Damien lies on the floor. "Death is funny when it's not you".

Not thinking about what they have to say anymore, I just leave. Like the rebel I was in ninth grade, I slid down the side of the ladder, for some reason I got some weird metal burn from sliding down. Feeling my hands and how numb they were, that farmiliar voice spoke up "Paul?" Glancing up I saw Pat, yes Pat. His brown eyes and his not floating hair.

"Pat?" I tear up a little, feeling overjoyed to see him. He walks forward, wanting to say hello obviously. Instead of saying hello for him I just hug him, feeling small painful jolts of electricity go through me, but it's fine. "Hell, call me a liar if I didn't miss you" I say, obviously about to cry.

Patryk hugs me back, the electrical shocks go away slowly. "Doesn't me holding you hurt?" He asks, pulling away from the hug. "Emotionally or physically?" I joke, he looks shocked at first but laughs it off. I hug him again, he hugs back, sniffling a little.

Out of nowhere he picks me up, making me apricate my lack of height. Either way, he picks me up close to his face, pressing his lips against my own. He was smiling cheerily, teary eyed and probably oblivious to what he was doing.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and panicked, turning red. He put me down. "Agh, crap. I'm sorry!" He slowly calmed down after a sharp inhale "My bad, honestly! I just got caught in the moment". He tried to excuse.

Instead of being cold I decide to play it 'past me' style "Really? That's a shame". Patryk makes a sound you can only write by dragging your hand across a keyboard. "Paul!" He shouted at me, getting flustered. "Yeah, yeah. Love you too, honey. All that jazz" Now I'm just taunting him because I can. Patryk got worried like a panicked mother "Why are you flirty, did the black jacket give you a drug or something?!" He walks closer to me, checking my temperature.

Doing my best 'lenny face' as Jordan would call it I respond with "You're my drug, hun'" This would make me gag in corniness if Patryk's reaction wasn't one-hundred percent worth it. He flinches, getting all red again "I- um, I love you too?" He starts looking so confused.

"Yeah, I know" I manage to pat him on the head surprisingly. Right after that another farmiliar voice pops in, "I'm incredibly sorry to intrude but, we should head off!" Yuu calls out. I turn around, seeing him holding onto the edge of the door. "Oh, hello Patty! Last time I saw you, you died!" He calls back to the snow.

When looking to Pat again I get uncomforted by his shocked expression turn into a glare "You..."

"Haha, yeah. That is my name" He says, it goes dead quiet and extremely awkward. I pick up on this and respond "Yeah, I'll be up in a sec'!"

Yuu gave a thumbs up, noticing the tension from Patryk, he slowly slides away. I turn to Pat who started watching me "Why didn't you mention... He was back?" He glared at the door again, his voice going dark again. "I was flirting with you" I reply blandly, "Look. I have to head off" I point behind me to the door. "See ya soon, promise" I nudge him with my elbow, he smiles at me weakly.

I turn to the ladder, running to catch up. I turn around and wave at him, he waves once before his hand drops weakly. I felt guilty for leaving him in this empty room alone. But if he's okay to leave now than maybe he can go home if I just stay with him.


Just wondering, what'd you guys think of Yuu's character? Personally, I adore him. But it's not about what the Author wants all the time, so. Opinions?

Btw, when the group goes to the Infirmary (Again). Which group would you like to see more? Dame or Jor' or Yuu/Mee and Paul??

And guess who just reached 200+ followers? This fukker das who.

On an unrelated topic.


Ok that's all, till next time.

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