Ok Thanks, Tom

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The steam on the mirror cleared up quickly, I check how I look after, not that it's something I really care about. My hoodie is out on my bed so right now I'm just in my good ol' black and white baseball tee.

Everything seems fine with how I look today except for.. That red ass mark on my shoulder blade. Maybe it's something on the mirror?! I rub the mirror to only show that there was indeed a god damn hickey on me. Tord you fuck! Also, get your damn head out the gutters! We didn't fuck, I remember what happened.

We just kissed... A lot, and now there's a huge ass mark on my shoulder. Maybe if I put my hoodie on they won't notice. Especially Paul, we all know what he gets like with this stuff... Gross. So I go out and take my hoodie from my bed, throw it on and run back to the bathroom.

It's not that bad, maybe if I just slide it over to the side. Yeah! That works, not even there. Tord sneaks in the bathroom, I can see his reflection sadly. He hugs me from behind, putting his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder "You ok, sweets?" He sounds mildly worried and tired. "You seem tense~" he cooed after.

The communist nuzzles into my neck while purring. Before responding I sigh "Yeah, I'm alright". Instead of looking at him properly I just watch the mirror version. Tord opens one of his eyes and looks to my left shoulder, he pushed my hood further down my shoulder. Thanks commie, for showing off the hickey you gave me.

He pointed at the mark, with a cat smile and a devilish look as well "Oh hey, I made that" He joked. I watch myself blush up quickly in the mirror. "Damnit, Tord" I groan quietly. He giggles and kisses my jawline. "I've gotta go pick up my arm then go do some work. That ok?"

Saying 'pick up my arm' is the weirdest thing to hear out of context. Ah shit though, if he stays around I know for a damn fact he'll embarrass me and show off the 'lovely' hickey he gave me... "How about I just pick it up for you when I go out?" I suggest, shrugging slightly.

Tord gave a blank stare into the mirror. It's dead quiet for way to long, with the communist holding me in the same place. "T-tord?" I look to him directly. He snapped out of it, blinking finally and replying "S-sure, Tommee!" He smiled sheepishly. One of these days he's going to kill someone... Again.

"Alright, so you go off and do your work and I'll be with Edd and Matt" I walk back with my arms out in a 'w' shape, I bump into the door and lean back to open it. Tord starts to fiddle with his fingers as he follows me to the elevator which slides open.

I kept walking back into the elevator. Tord stops right in front of it, watching me with all the worry in the world in his eyes. If we are in a relationship. Which I don't take apart in. He should trust me right? That is what builds a healthy relationship... Which we don't have. Nevermind I never said anything.

As the glass tube slides down I watch Tord who was staring back as we both went out of view of each other. Before the elevator finishes descending I remember to pull my hood over my mark again. The doors made a hideous noise as they slid apart. I guess the doors where almost frozen together.

It's starting to get close to winter here. I cannot wait to see this freezing ass country in winter. Without a doubt, it'll snow. So that's just fun. Note my sarcasm. When stepping out I instantly shudder. Cold as shit!

From where I was I could see where I was talking to Yuu yesterday. He was almost too nice. Not that there's anything wrong with being nice. It's just hard to think of an army soldier belonging to a blood-lusting leader is as kind-hearted and as pure as that.

Doesn't look like he's there. I begin my shaky walk to the building lab. It took a long, long while but I made it and slammed the door. It's way warmer in here, I lean on the door and breathe non-icy air. It's calmingly quiet until. "Pitchfork, holy fuck you're inside Patryk!" Damien screeches from right beside me.

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