You're alive?!

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"I- You're alive?!" I shout. Yuu flinches, looking around while tensing up. He's been gone for way to long, he should be dead. "Keep your voice down, please Paul" He whisper shouted.

"No, no. You should be dead. You ran into a zombie infested theme park!" I whisper shout back.

Their eye starts twitching, presumably shifting over to Mee "Says the guy I shot, you smashed your head on a rock!"

"Ok, my head did not 'smash', I just hit my head!" I growl at his exaggeration which I remember Mee loving to use a little too much. They kick the ground and grumble "Yeah well it could've". I sigh, trying my hardest to calm down "Alright, lets just talk".

Their eyes twitch again. Back to Yuu. "Aren't I usually the one to tell you that?" They say, tilting their head and smiling. Yuu opens his eyes and glances behind me "Now, I hate to get off topic but, your boyfriend seems to of died" He smiles wider.

I turn around to see Pat lying on the ground, passed out from the snow. "Shit.."

"Language now, Paul!" Yuu calls out. God damnit now there's two of them.

I groan, going over and picking up Patryk, struggling because of his weight. The load becomes easier randomly, when looking over I noticed Yuu helping me out by lifting Pat on his opposite shoulder. He smiled at me. Why is everyone but Edd taller than me. Fuck life.

Yuu and Mee is someone from the army. Even though I have a lot of amnesia I can 'thankfully' say I remember this goody-two-shoes, they're just happy way to often, often apathetic to death as well! Well... I'm one to talk but it just- It's strange with their other traits. They apologise to random objects too! And talk to them like a child or a really old woman.

Without a doubt they got all the obliviousness it from all the death, struggle and torture we've witnessed and endured throughout the red army history. I say 'we' because we were sort of partners in the old days of the red army. Yeah... We never got along. We're opposites you can't put that on me!

Mee however, seems like he would be way more homicidal. He is the one put in charge of all the 'on field' shooting and attacking. But he's strangely sane. But he makes puns so he's dead to me. He's angry 24/7 when he's out at least.


Distantly I hear the farmiliar beeping you get in hospitals. I force my eyes open, still feeling my eyelids weighing down. "Shit" I grumble as I sit up, feeling my head which is bandaged above the eyebrow. "Oh, s-sir!" One of the doctors greeted. I glance over, seeing one of the doctors with a billboard "Glad to see you're back up so quickly".

"The hell... The hell happened?" I ask, feeling the back of my head ache severly.

"It seems like you were thrown against a wall on impact, sir" They reply. I think for a bit, which is still excruciating. "Was I found in the invention centre?"

They jot down a thing or two before turning to me fully "We're not sure, a black-jacket threw you in here and ran off" They explain. "Quite... Quite literally".

Not needing much more remembering I respond "Was it Damien Moore?"

They think for a bit, a long bit "Perhaps. I'm a doctor, I don't know many of the therapeutic patients" He writes something down before nodding. "They did have blonde hair, goggles, lab coat-"

"Yeah, that's Moore.." I lie back down. "Say, can you make a little arin for me, doc'?" I let myself slyly grin. They look as disturbed and as threatened as I would've hoped "Sure thing- Maybe? What is it, sir?"

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