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Behold the most stressful situation I've ever encountered... And I have been undercover before. So, let's break this down. Pat still hasn't woken up, Damien is speaking in several other languages for no apparent reason, also Jordan is here... Yeah that's about it. Also, I'm not allowed to smoke to calm down here apparently. "So, Damien" I try to start conversation... In English. "What do you do?"

"Meth" He replied. Mother of god ok then...

"Damien!" Jordan had a split panic while he was drawing blue prints of a machine or device. Damien shrugged with that same smile "I was just joking! I don't actually remember". Yeah, because that's what you said...

I would say something about how I know what he's saying when talking in different languages... But I'm curious to how far down this rabbit hole I can get. "Alright, good for you" I just roll with it, still glaring because what the hell. Jordan looks at me and shrugs with a confused look. Yeah ok, he has no clue.

Looking back to the room I see how Patryk was just waking up. Thank god, I thought we killed him. "Looks like he's alright" I state simply. Jordan didn't even look up and just gave a thumbs up. "Well that's unfortunate" Damien brightly added.

What the hell "You trying to fight, blonde boy?"

Damien thought for a bit, looking like he was going cross-eyed under his goggles. He goes back to smiling "Nope".

"Damien, don't anger the cyclops please" Jordan grumbled while still drawing.

The probably fake blonde chuckled and leaned on the red head "ding zeker, liefje" He rested on Jordan and sprawled out. Yeah... I understood that, little weirdo... Looking to Jordan I see how he has no idea what he's talking about.

Patryk sits up and begins floating about. Thinking for a bit I decide "I'm going in".

"Pats Esel?" Damien added. Oh god he's just like Jordan... But worse, somehow?

Just going to roll my eyes at that. "Just open the door, crackhead"

Damien payed no attention and spun around on his chair. "New phone, who this?" honestly that sounded more like a 'dis' then 'this'. I glance to Jordan who noticed my problem. "Yeah I'll get it" He stood up and almost pressed the button until Damien flung his entire body to the button.

Jordan flinched back "Holy heck-aloid are you alright?!" he crouched by Damien who bounced off the button and onto face planted to the floor. He didn't verbally reply but gave a thumbs up. The door was unlocked, I just opened it and left.


"Dame, for a genius, you're a real idiot" I state honestly.

Damien rolled over onto his back "Why thank you!" He stuck out his tongue and pressed his hands against his face. Just going to go back to ignoring him. While I'm going to my wheelie chair I get two arms wrapped around my waist. Oh no, I'm being hugged. Not again!

"Dame, please let go" Now I sound like I'm about to freak out. Which is half right since I'm close to having a spaz out right now... "Damien, please" He's not letting go. He's just resting on my back with his head resting on my shoulder. I can't move. Send help.

"Since when do you have a gun?" He asks. Oh geez.

"Hey, give it!" I shout while shoving him off. Damien just gives a cat smile while holding my hand gun. "Why?" He examines the side of it.

Damn it, Damien.. I try to jump and grab it from him but without a doubt he is taller than me. He held it above him, taunting me. "Because it's mine, that's a good start!" I jump again but it's still just out of reach.

"It's not your gun, Jordan"

My arms drop. He got me. "Give it".

"Why do you have candle-flame's gun?" He asks, still holding the gun out of my reach.

"For safe keeping..." I don't even want to look at him. "Now give it"

It goes quiet. Something gets put on my head. Damien steps away. The item slips off my head and a fumble to catch it. Just my gun. Well, not really mine.

"Still not over it then?" Damien asks in a calmer tone than his regular overly happy tone.

"Well duh, it's only been a few months!" I spin around to see Damien sitting upside down on his chair. He watched me like nothing was wrong. "Yeah, but. He's dead?" He shrugged like it was just a regular thing. "Keeping his stuff won't bring him back".

I stutter for a response. How unbelievable is this?! He just doesn't care about Yuu at all! "Yeah, so what if it doesn't? I don't want to forget him!"

"You still cant forget that time you failed to save a fly from drowning... I think forgetting Yuu is impossible for you" He limply hangs off the edge of the chair.

I laugh a bit, trying to prove him wrong, I point up which people tend to do when making a point. "Now, you can't tell me that you don't miss him too-"

"I don't miss him"

It goes quiet, for a while, I lower my hand "Well, I guess you can..."

He just watches me.

"You are unbelievable!" I clench my fist, trying not to cry with rage. "You see, this is why I stopped talking to you!" My screwed-up eye starts crying first. I cover my patched eye.

Damien slid off the chair and walked over. Then poked my face, more so my cheek to be specific "Stop crying".


He poked me again "Stop it"

I push his hand away. "Is that how you try to comfort people?"

"Yes" He stays quiet. I put my hand off his, glaring him in the eye. He pokes my face again. Making a small noise with his tongue out.

I let myself chuckle "You are so immature". I cross my arms and look the other way.

He pokes my face again. "Is that why you're laughing?"

"Screw off, Damien" I start giggling, trying to ignore him.

He pokes me again "Boop".

My attempt at trying not to give into laughter fails. "Man, you suck at this". I say mid laugh.

Damien pokes me again "Well, you know what?" It's quiet for a bit. "That's what she said".

Oh my god Damien no! I shove him "Damien no!" I keep laughing anyway, still teary and upset. He smiles brightly even when I fail at shoving him.


Sorry for the late updates everyone! I feel really bad for it. But my classes have come back on and I've been struggling again. Updates will stay slow so the filler I've planned while have to be cut down. So, I'll be developing Damien quicker so I can just roll on with the finale and REAL plot of the story.

This chapter was going to have a more comedic tone to it but I changed it. I still have some of the ditched chapter (I will upload it to junk and mess later). I feel I should say that Damien is a good person (Kinda, he's an anti-hero) He just has a few issues around emotions and how to identify, deal with ect. This is in both himself and other people.

Love ya, later!

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