Home you Thought you Knew

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Sitting on the steps to what I believe is Damien's place of residence I begin to acknowledge my boredom, squishing my face in my hands which place as a stand on my knees. Still trying to figure that pain had kinda grown tiring, so I've left it to the side for now as I spend time with Yuu who seems pretty fuckin' cool.

The door re-opens and closes with two clicks, naturally I turn to see Yuu wiping something off his face with his hand, sighing as well "Apologies, that took a while, were you bored?" He asks, smiling brightly. I tilted my head back to see his face properly because his mask was on one half of his face.

"Bored and beyond" I reply, sounding especially bored just for the affect. He chuckles a little as I stand up, Yuu ruffles my hair to make me notice how short I am, at least Yuu isn't a whole lot taller; probably the same height as Matt if not slightly shorter. "Alrighty, if you wanted to stay around we can probably find some peculiar things in Kevin's office." He suggests as he hops down the stairs, I walk along the right side of Yuu.

"Isn't that the guy Tord beat for screwing up his arm?" I ask, pretty much knowing the answer but just go with it, "What does he have weird porn or some shit?"

Yuu turns reddish, "Oh goodness no!" He waved his hand frantically, making me laugh hysterically, "I was referring to inventions of his-" I stop him by putting my hand on his shoulder, still laughing with tears in my eyes, "Yuu, I was just joking, calm down." I start calming down, pretty much leaning on Yuu now.

He didn't even correct my language, guess he was too embarrassed; maybe I should get him flustered more often. "But if Kevin is as weird as he sounds, he'd have to have some weird porn hiding around." I joke, lightly punching Yuu's shoulder.

He makes a 'hmm' noise with a finger on his cheek "We could find some if lucks on our side-". I stop him by shoving him lightly, "Woah lucky?!" I laugh as he bounces away from being pushed "I thought you were-" Right after I say that a loud gunshot goes off, a string line of blood comes from Yuu.

"Crap!" He screams as he leans on a wall, I scream a swear in panic. In rage I look around, shit... Tord was a fair way down the lane of houses, watching us with glaring eyes; holding a pistol directly at us. "Tord stop!" I shout, waving my hands to try and stop him from shooting again.

In the corner of my eye I saw Yuu put the mask on properly, pulling up a gun, aiming it at Tord with the arm that got shot. "Yuu, don't!" I grab him by the collar of the hood as soon as I see Tord putting his finger on the trigger, slamming him to the wall to get him away from getting shot and shooting anyone. All of this in the sound of a gunshot. A strong pain goes through my shoulder, like a burning drill.

I drop Yuu, clasping my shoulder "Fuck, shit damnit!" I scream, Yuu gasps in fear; walking close and pressing on my shoulder, "Let go!" I scream angrily when actually this just hurts like a bitch.

"You have to hold in the blood that's all," He says in a strangely calm tone, we both hear Tord call out to me, starting to run over, "Thomas, it's best if you go with the leader." Yuu suggested, I shake my head, "Like I want to go with the person who shot me."

Yuu sighed angrily before grabbing my hand, starting to run away from Tord who screamed out to me as we ran. I felt drops of water begin to come down; rain obviously, it flew into our eyes as we ran quickly against the wind. In the background, I heard Tord's non-water proof robotic arm glitching and malfunctioning. "Tom!" He screeched soul wrenchingly before we turned sharply, Yuu's heel skidding across the ground, going down; easily to tell we were going to the spire.

"Why are we going to the spire!?" I shield my face from the rain, Yuu doesn't reply and just keeps running. When we reach the elevator we skid in, Yuu is about to slam the button but I grab his wrist, "Oh right" He seems to correct himself mentally. He hit the back of his heel, the front of his foot and on the side of his foot.

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