Departing Days (2)

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Early in the morning Jordan lied face down in his pillow, asleep obviously. But not for long, his phone buzzed, making him groan as he struck his head up. Rubbing his eye, he reached over and picked up the small device; From Yuu/Mee. 'Hey J'J, tomorrow can you get Bas, Liam and Paul to meet us in the auditorium. Kk bye bye >30.'

That was a very Mee text, Jordan sighed frustratedly, he looked at the time and saw it was three am. "Holy geez," Jordan grumbled, just messaging back with a thumb up emoji and faceplanting to die in a pillow. Few minutes pass by with Jordan being wide awake, sighing again he got out, "Basil go home."

A head popped up from under the bed, "I'll find it one day-,"

Jordan yawned to interrupt Basil, "No, no you wont." He curled into a ball with the covers around him like a small happy cater-burrito. Basil made a frustrated noise before walking out, staring at him suspiciously.


Jordan got up at six am like usually, rubbing his eyes but still looking even more grumpy than usual. Walking around he expected to find Basil and or Liam just walking around with no purpose. Hardly anyone was in the halls, as you'd expect for a Monday morning; especially since the time you're required to get up is nine am.

"Good morning, Jordan." A quaint voice greeted, waking Jordan from some sort of sleep walk, snorting and waking up, "Uh, w-what?!" He panicked, looking around then at the person who spoke, "Oh, hey, Kevin. Why are you up so early?"

"I'm always up early, why are you?" He asked before sipping coffee. Jordan groaned, rubbing his eyes and taking out his phone and showing him Yuu's texts, "Funnily enough I don't know either." After skimming through the recent he leaned back against the wall, "Mhm, that's indeed ominous," Kevin leans back to the wall, "You know, I saw Tord and Yuu- Or more likely Mee together again."

Jordan didn't even bother trying to be surprised at Kevin stopping to gossip; about his friends as well. He rolled his eyes, putting his phone away, "Yeah Kevin, because they're friends." Kevin did a devious chuckle behind his hand, "Do friends go willingly go into each other's rooms?" He started, his grin still peeving Jordan off, "One of which has hentai scattered across the ground?"

"It's gross, but Mee is somewhat mature... I think?" Jordan looked to the side as he hesitated on that notion. "You're denying they have any romantic tension?" Kevin asked in a very victimising tone.

Like it was the stupidest question of all time and it might as well be rhetorical, "Kevin, their sexual tension is strong enough to cause earthquakes and tsunamis," He quoted well before looking to the side, "Well, because I have to find people and I kinda sorta don't like being around you I'm gonna go."

Huffing at being insulted at by one of the nicest people in the army, "Fine, whatever." They grumbled quietly as Jordan walked off, looking around the halls for any sign of his friends... And whatever you call Basil. A loud sound from the vent grabbed Jordan's attention like he's been jump-scared.

Instantly he crouched down by the vent, getting a screwdriver from hus jacket, which he always keeps on him with being a mechanic and all. Once it was all undone and the metal slab was on the floor, he leaned over, and gazed through the vent, "Basil?" He called out.

Quiet for a while, a voice called back, "Parsley." In an apathetic voice. Jordan chuckled at the unintentional joke. "Liam, Yuu needs help!" Jordan called back. He moved away from the vent and after a few seconds of thumbing and crawling, Liam's ash covered face popped out, "Did he die?"

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