Don't turn out the lights

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I move slightly, everything hurts. When moving my leg which is asleep I hear glass crackle. My eyes adjust quickly. Did I fucking pass out in the elevator? God damn, Tord must've freaked me out so bad I passed out. I stand up slowly. Sleeping on broken glass is not fun... At all.

I hit the floor twice and zoomed down. Much faster than yesterday. Not even hesitating to jump out of the elevator I am greeted by a sunny day. How long did I sleep for? My leg is still asleep even though I'm walking. "Tom!"

I turn around to see Edd waving to me with a wide cat smile with Matt next to him smiling as well. They're alright! I wave and begin jogging over. Something feels off though. In under a second I see two overly familiar devil horns appeared behind them.

A large boom came from nowhere. Matt and Edd both drop dead. Tord just starts laughing while a blood pool circles him. The sky's clouds turned grey and the blue above turned blood red. What the fuck?! The communist steps forward before walking with a limp, getting faster into a run.

I jolt awake. A dream? "Thank fucking god" I sigh. But that boom, it felt so real? Thanks to that dream I'm fully awake. At least I'm not in the elevator. When looking at the elevator I notice how it's fine... Was the rest of last night a dream? Tord still isn't around, my leg is still asleep too.

Out of nowhere a loud boom breaks in, sounding the exact same as the one in my dream. I look outside to see the barrier of the base looking like it's switching to broken to fine. It looks like when you burn paper and those glowing holes show up.

Shit, I have to find Edd and Matt. In an attempt to slide out of my bed I fall with my leg stuck in the same place. Something is keeping it there. Painfully I spin around to see my leg has been tightly kept to the bed post with hands cuffs. "Tord you fucker!"

The hell do I do?! While glancing around in a panic I see nothing to help. Susan is out of reach, Tommee bear is a plush, books can't help. I give up and lie on the floor. Tord will come back, he always does... Sadly.

Something catches my eye, a little bit of shine under the bed. I move the blankets in the way to see a large selection of weapons. Knives, guns, machete, axe and more... This was all under my bed as I was asleep? "Holy shit..." I can't help but say.

I reach to get the axe, cutting my hand on the way on one of the knives. Sharp as hell. I hop onto one foot and smash the chain, making a huge rip in the bed. I just grabbed my hoodie. I already had my pyjama pants on so why the fuck bother?!

I smashed the floor of the elevator with my foot twice, another boom going off. The elevator slid down. Getting extremely anxious I start pacing, looking outside I see people staring up at the burn marks in the sky.

The elevator dings intensely, that does not sound right. The door wont open... Shit! I kept the axe on me luckily, I smash the glass once, twice, three times and all the glass pieces break down to the floor, I run out and keep going.

I turn around when I heard the elevator slide up in an overly quick manner. It stayed up for a while before it just dropped, the cables no longer holding it. It smashed like it was nothing on the ground, glass flying up the tube and out the hole I made. "He... Was going to kill me..." More fear and anxiety flows in. "Tord's going to kill me.." I hold my stomach which feels like it's getting tighter.

"Tom?" I hear Edd say, I spin around. Him and Matt are watching me with wide eyes, worry and fear with them. "He's trying to kill me.." Is the only thing I can think and say. I feel tears starting, not from any form of betrayal, I'm used to that. But more fear for my life.

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