Why do you?

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"Another one done!" Jordan threw the remote he was working on to Damien who caught it without looking. "Thank you, Woodpecker!"

Matt picked up the little box that Jordan had just finished "Ooh, what are they?" I crawl under Matt's arm to have a look at their invention. A small box with an antenna which was fitted with a tiny red ball. "I'm glad you asked, Fox-tail!" I guess that's Matt's new nickname.

Damien stopped leaning on Jordan, standing up with a bounce "This is a teleportation device!" He showed off the small box which somehow got out of Matt's hands and into Damien's. My eyes light up "Cool!" A device you can go anywhere with?! How wicked is that?

"I've never been able to get it right though..." Damien looked at the box.

"What do you mean?" Matt asks, raising an eyebrow. With no verbal explanation, Damien clicked the only button on the remote and the box vanished after a small light. Damien threw the remote like it was trash before putting his hands on his waist "Welp, that's never coming back!"

Jordan giggled behind his hand even though that remote he was working on broke. Paul who was leaning on the printer behind us while smoking chuckled once. "Time to get lost while trying to find more shit!" Damien jumped back into his chair and slid down the hall.

"Profanity" Jordan called out.

Jordan took another blue print sheet and started sketching again. "Got any paper I can draw on?" I ask, going over to one of the other roller chairs which were just everywhere. Jordan looked at me and nodded, leaning over to grab one from a drawer, he passes it to me "Thanks, Jordy". I take a pencil I found nearby.

I need something to actually draw... I look around the room. Lights? No, Matt? Nah I draw him all the time... Paul smoking isn't very inspirational hmm... I look to the paper covered desks. Something else catches my attention... The gun that Jordan has, he left it on the desk, hiding it under the blue print he did for the teleportation device.

I'm just the right height to see the letters scratched into the side of the weapon 'YUU'. That's who's house me and Matt are staying in. Did Jordan know him? No harm in asking right "Hey Jordy?"

He kept drawing but responded "Yes Edd?"

"Why does your gun have Yuu's name written on it?"

Jordan stops sketching, making it eerily quiet. I look to Paul who went wide eyed, he slowly looked at Jordan who froze. I lower myself to see his face which was a mix of trauma, fear and anxiety. His pupils were shaking and his face was pale. "J-jordy?"

This woke him up as he looked up at the hidden weapon, he started to reach out to the gun. A hand came down, ripping the blue print off the handgun. Jordan made a small noise of fear as he flinched, pulling his hand back. He shrank away as he stared at Paul who grew a furious glare from the gun to Jordan.

He swiped the gun off the table "Why the hell do you have this?!" Paul pretty much screamed in his face. Matt pulls me back slightly. Jordan didn't say anything at all. Me and Matt both move to the side so there was more space so we wouldn't get hit. From the angle, I could see the sharp glare Jordan was giving Paul.

The silence stayed for another five seconds before Jordan spoke up "just give me back my gun..." Paul hit Jordan over the side of the side of the head. "It doesn't belong to you, asshat!"

Jordan felt where he got hit, he glared at Paul again "You don't belong to Patryk anymore but you still stay as his little pet... Don't you?".

Paul snarled, hitting Jordan on the opposite side of the head. "Paul, stop!" I call, trying to run over but didn't realise how tightly Matt was holding me. Paul looked at me, Jordan who was shielding his head from any further damage noticed his guard was down, he side kicked Paul's right leg.

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