Chapter 14

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Chloe's POV

It's been a week since our lazy day, and things have changed quite a bit actually. The boys have gone back to work, and aren't home in the morning or the rest of the day. They come home in time for dinner that I would've prepared for them, and after that we hang out for a bit before we all decided it's time to sleep. Sometimes their schedule changes, and they're home longer, but I don't see as much of them as I used to when they were on break.

This means there is a lot more time for Renee and I. After I do my daily cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping, Renee and I hang out. We talk about everything really. Guys, friendships and relationships. I can trust her with anything and she can trust me with anything, so there's no holding back when it comes to our conversations.

Eleanor, Perrie and Dani have left. El's back at college, and I know Louis misses her a lot. The first day he was absolutely bummed, but he understands that she has college and he wants her to finish with good grades. Perrie has gone back to Little Mix. They've got tones of signings, shows and meet & greets to go to. One again, Zayn misses her too but he's proud of what she's doing. Dani has gone home to have a break before her dancing starts up again. She's visiting family, and then she'll go on her second X-Factor tour as a back-up dancer. Liam is dealing quite well with the whole being apart thing. They've dealt with it for a while now, but I know it still hurts them every time they're separated. I'll definitely miss the girls, but I know they're doing what they love, so it makes me happy.

Another thing that's happened is, Harry and I have gotten a lot closer. I guess after that lazy day we had a week ago, things just changed and we are close. When the boys come home, Harry and I sit together at dinner, we talk about stupid things, we have sleepovers in the lounge, just us two, he tells me his terrible jokes he makes up, he talks about his day and what problems have happened, I share my worries and stuff with him, and we call each other 'extremely attractive friend' constantly.

I guess you could say we're best friends? I don't know, but I really enjoy spending time with him. Every time he shares stuff with me, I get this weird feeling in my stomach. It's like butterflies, and I don't know why I get it. I just seem to feel important when he tells me that stuff. It's like he can trust me, and I like knowing he can trust me. Whenever we call each other 'extremely attractive friend' I blush and I feel all giddy inside. When we sleepover in the lounge room, he sometimes cuddles me and I feel complete. Almost like it was supposed to be that way. His arms tighten around me when we watch horror movies and I hide my head in his neck. I feel tingles go down my spine and it's just amazing. I honestly think I might have a slight crush on him? I've tried to convince myself that I don't, but every time he's around, I feel a hundred times happier.

Renee knows about all this, and she's convinced that it's a crush. She squealed, clapped her hands repeatedly and jumped on me in excitement. She thinks we'd be perfect together, and she's also pretty sure that Harry likes me too. That one, I'm not so sure about. I reckon he thinks of me as a close friend. Maybe even best friend. He won't like me like that. But Renee thinks otherwise.

I ran downstairs in my pyjamas totally forgetting that I was supposed to be meeting Lou, the boys' stylist, today. She was coming over to the house to get the boys ready for an interview, before they took the limo to the studio they were filming at. The house wasn't entirely clean. I mean, I've been focusing on cleaning their rooms, grocery shopping, cooking, washing and I haven't really cleaned the whole house properly for a while. I mean, I've cleaned the rooms as I've gone along but I haven't made the house spotless for a while.

I grabbed the vacuum, turning it on and vacuuming the kitchen floor. I ran a hand through my messy bed hair and pulled up my pyjama shorts, printed with 'I <3 1D' all over them. The boys bought them for me, thinking it was hilarious. It was, but I actually really like them. They're so comfortable! I pulled down my singlet that was riding up, showing my midriff. I continued to vacuum the floor, until it was absolutely spotless. Then I mopped it, before cleaning the bench, cupboards and even sink. Yeah, I got a bit paranoid. I did the same to the lounge room until I was interrupted by five sleepy guys.

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