Chapter 80

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listen to wait by m83 on repeat when reading this okay-it's on the side for those who are too lazy to look it up lmao. that is all :)) x

Chloe's POV

My stomach dropped to my ass the second Kendall Jenner's sultry smirk came into view. Her stance was incredibly intimidating, as she walked through the door with such a confidence I'd only ever imagined of obtaining. I watched her with a rapid heartbeat and a lump in my throat while her long, slim torso glided past me towards the spot I'd previously been standing in front of the mirror. I hadn't failed to notice the judgemental glance she'd sent my way making me second-guess all the comfort I'd felt in my own skin that night. Although, I wanted to get out of there as fast as I possibly could, my feet were glued to the ground while my eyes were trained on her. I was stuck-frozen in time-in shock, really. Never had I expected to see her that night. I'd been under the impression that the guests of the evening were people whom had only ever socialised with One Direction. The thought distributed a swarm of butterflies in my stomach, nervousness and confusion the two most relevant feelings in the moment.

"So, you're Harry's new girl?" Her voice pulled me from my trance, bringing me back to reality, although, the apprehension I felt failed to diminish, making it all the more harder for me to form a coherent sentence.

"Uh-uhm, yeah," I choked out, before I cleared my throat and tried again. "Yes. Yes, I am."

She turned her head to look at me catching my gaze, before he eyes wandered down my body in a way that was all too condescending and made me pray to the people above that she wouldn't point out any flaws I'd found myself ignoring that night.

"Hm, I can see why he picked you. You're pretty," she started, almost relieving my body of the stress I was feeling. She managed to quickly bring it all back when she continued with the most cringe-worthy word of them all, "But, he's always been that way; picking out the pretty ones, treating them well, making them feel good, before lets them go as if they never meant anything."

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched her turn back to the mirror and pull out a tube of lip-gloss from her clutch. Her hand swiped the brush over her lips, bringing about a shine that sat prominently on top of her dark pink lipstick. I was struggling to come up with a sentence with the confusion bubbling in the pit of my stomach, but as if she could sense my perplexity, she spoke up once again.

"I mean, I of all people would know. I was his girlfriend after all."

I hated the way her smirk deepened on her pink lips. I absolutely despised the satisfaction she got out of speaking down to me, as if I was inferior to her, and I fucking loathed the way she managed to break my heart into two pieces all over again as she confirmed my worst fear of all. With every second that passed by after her words had been spoken, I felt my head start to spin, her sentence repeating itself over and over in my mind. My stomach dropped for the second time that evening in a way that made me feel physically sick. As I felt the effects of her words take their toll on me, I inhaled deeply, mentally making note of the way my chest felt a ridiculously harsh jab when I realised that once again, I'd been fooled by Harry Styles.

"I know how good it feels to be wrapped in his strong, muscly arms. God, I'd do anything to feel that again," Kendall continued, each word she spoke stinging like a knife to my chest. "His hands; so big while his fingers were so long. Oh, and that tongue. Wow, the things he could do with his mouth. I'm sure you know all about that, right?"

My world was slowly crumbling around me as I put together the pieces. I'd been lied to, again, by the person whom I'd trusted the most. Betrayal crept its way into my veins, making itself known to me as I connected the words and the lies Harry had fed me every time I'd ever asked about his connection with Kendall. If it had of been any normal occasion, I would've been on a roll with insults directed towards the girl whom I'd never felt such an intense hatred for in my life, but in my current state of shock, overwhelming heartbreak and embarrassment, I couldn't find the energy to do so.

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