Chapter 16

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Chloe's POV

I woke up the next morning on the couch with a blanket wrapped around my torso. I shivered from the cold air, the blanket to thin for my liking. I sat up and yawned, running a hand through my hair. A small smile forced it's way upon my lips as the events from last night played in my mind.

I actually kissed Harry Styles.

And I admitted to myself I like him a lot.

I remember cuddling in his arms as we watched the movie, smiling the whole way through the film. I could've cared less if it was scary. But, as soon as the movie finished, he kissed my cheek telling me he had some 'business' to take care of and he'd be back soon. I normally would've been nosy and asked where he was going, but I didn't care. Thing is though, he didn't come back. I waited for about four hours for him to come back, but he didn't. I then fell asleep, and I didn't hear anyone come back home. Now I'm starting to think he regrets kissing me? Maybe he doesn't like me.

I threw the thin blanket off me and trudged upstairs to my room. I went to the bathroom, deciding to have a shower. As I was about to pull off my jeans that I'd fallen asleep in last night, when I noticed a dark stain on the back of them. I studied them, soon realising it was blood.

"Damn it," I groaned, dropping the jeans to the floor and pulling down my panties to see a thick layer of blood coating the material.

I forgot to put a pad on last night. I was so caught up with the whole 'kissing Harry' extravaganza, that I totally forgot about my period. I pulled the panties off and rolled them up in toilet paper, disposing of them in the trash can. There goes a perfectly good pair of underwear.

I studied the jeans for a little longer, finally deciding that I would keep them, because they were expensive jeans and I really liked them. I would just have to wash them a million times, and coat them in Napisan to remove the stain. Luckily, my jeans are black so you can't see it too bad and it wouldn't of been noticeable.

I sighed and turned on the shower, stepping inside. I washed my body thoroughly before doing the same to my hair. I was soon finished and I stepped out, wrapping my body in a towel. Goose bumps formed across my skin, the cold air like ice against my skin.

I dried off quickly, and grabbed a tampon to apply, before walking out to my closet and choosing some clothes for the day. Whenever I'm on my period, I love to wear oversized sweaters or just baggy clothing. I don't know why, to be honest. I think it's just because my period makes me feel lazy and pissed off, making me not want to socialise or do anything at all.

I grabbed an extra baggy sweater and pulled on some yoga shorts underneath. I wrapped a pink woollen scarf around my neck, before pulling on my ugg boots. I then brushed my hair out, leaving it to dry naturally. I applied light make-up before grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

I trudged down the stairs, the cramps in my stomach becoming quite uncomfortable.

"Ugh, stupid period," I cursed, placing my hands on my stomach.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing my 'Ben & Jerry's' ice-cream, a large spoon before walking into the lounge and making myself comfortable on the couch. I'll start work later, for now, I'm eating my breakfast. Yes. Ice cream for breakfast. Why not?

I spooned a large spoonful into my mouth, closing my eyes at the creamy taste. I rested my head back against the back rest of the couch, replaying the memories from last night. I smiled and giggled a little, my heart fluttering in my chest.


I've got it bad.

I continued to eat my ice-cream, my cramps starting to annoy the shit out of me. I finally cracked, storming into the bathroom downstairs and grabbing a heat pack. I warmed it up, before walking back to the lounge and resting the heat pack on my lower stomach, eating ice-cream.

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