Chapter 21

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Chloe's POV
The rest of the day consisted of watching movies, stuffing our faces with food, filling each other in on the stuff that's happened the past few days and singing and dancing to the MTV music station.

"It's already 6:00pm," laughed Renee, checking her phone.

"Do you want to order some pizza then?" I asked, looking up from mine.

"Yeah, sure," she said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Hawaiian, please," she smiled. I nodded and pulled up the "Pizza Hut" contact on my phone, calling it.

I remembered I had I order for the guys to, so I ordered a large Hawaiian, chicken, cheese and margarita. Hoping that would we enough to fill five hungry boys' stomachs, along with mine and Renee's.

"We have half and hour before the food should be here," I told her, stretching my legs out on top of hers.

"Ugh, but I'm hungry! That's such a long time to wait for food!" She groaned, throwing her head back.

"I swear, you and Niall are perfect for each other," I laughed, a blush rising upon her cheeks.

"Shut up," she mumbled, looking away. I laughed at her embarrassment, before hearing the sound of the front door opening.

"We're home," yelled Liam.

"Hey," I shouted from the lounge.

"I'm here to, just so ya know," screamed Renee, earning a laugh in return from the boys.

The boys all filed into the lounge room, sitting down on the other couches and chairs, seeing as Renee and I were sprawled across the largest one.

"Did you order dinner?" Asked Niall, eagerly.

"Yeah, I got four large pizzas," I chuckled.

"Fuck yes," he fist pumped, all of us laughing at him. "How long do we have to wait for it?"

"Uhm, about half an hour," I answered. Niall groaned, doing the exact same thing Renee did not long ago.

I'm not kidding, they're perfect for each other.

I looked over to Harry to see him staring at me intently. His eyes were locked on mine as we stated at each other. I bit my lip and looked down, feeling uncomfortable under how gaze. I don't know when I should ask to talk to him. I mean, it needs to sound casual and as if I just want to talk normally with him. It can't be too serious, or else everyone will know something's up.

"What should we do in the mean time?" Asked Renee.

"Truth or Dare?" Asked Louis.

Everyone seemed to agree, and Louis decided to go first.

"Uhm, Renee! Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth. I can't be bothered moving," she mumbled. I laughed at her laziness, but Louis just smirked.

"Your honest feelings and thoughts on Niall, here," he said, patting Niall's shoulders. Both, Niall and Renee, blushed, making us chuckle.

"Uhm... He's a nice guy and I like him," she mumbled. A bright smile crossed Niall's face and Louis winked at him.

"Okay, Zayn, truth or dare?" Asked Renee.


"I dare you to... Write on your twitter that Perrie is pregnant and is due on the 30th of February," laughed Renee.

"Oh, that's a good one," laughed Niall.

"Fine," groaned Zayn. He tweeted it and he immediately got comments congratulating them, none of the fans catching on.

"Alright, Chloe! Truth or dare?" Asked Zayn.

"Truth," I answered.

"Were you scared of the movie last night and how did you fall asleep? You looked terrified," he laughed.

I immediately stiffened and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Harry physically pale. His eyes widened and he looked over to me, awaiting my response.

"Uhm, I was terrified of it, and uhm, I guess I just closed my eyes. I mean, that's how everyone goes to sleep, right?" I nervously chuckled.

I saw Harry relax and the color quickly come back to his cheeks.

"Fair enough," nodded Zayn. We continued to play until our pizza arrived. I answered the door, paid and then brought the pizza out to everyone.

"Thanks, Chloe," they all said in unison.

"No problem, guys," I smiled, taking a piece of cheese pizza.

We ate all together, laughing at each other every once in a while. I was finally full after consuming four pieces, but I swear Niall ate like eight.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Be back in a sec," said Harry.

This is it. This is my chance.

"I'm gonna go and get some shorts on. It's quite hot in here," I lied, quickly following Harry up the stairs.

Once we were out of sight, I sucked in a deep breath, opening my mouth to say something.

"Harry?" I asked.

"What?" He answered, gruffly.

"Uhm, I just, uhm. I wanted to know why you... I wanted to know why you came in my room last night and slept in my bed..." I mumbled, not meeting how gaze.

I heard him inhale deeply and I looked up, slightly. His expression was blank and his lips were pressed tightly shut.

"I didn't come in and sleep with you, Chloe. What the fuck are you talking about?" He asked, his face still emotionless.

"Yes, you did, Harry. I heard you come in and I felt you wrap your arms around me. I know you were there the entire night, Harry. I'm not stupid," I answered sarcastically.

"I didn't fucking come into your room. What the hell are you on about?" He chucked deeply, making fun of me.

"Yes you did, Harry," I argued.

"No, I fucking didn't, Chloe!" He shouted.

"I saw your anchor tattoo on your wrist. I saw felt your hair on my cheeks. Harry, I know it was you," I hissed.

"You're so messed up, Chloe. You need help, because none of that happened," he hissed.

"Harry, you slept in my fucking bed, and you know it," I growled.

"Wow, Chloe. You really must like me if you're so convinced that I slept in your bed with you. You must really want that to happen, huh? It's a dream of yours, isn't it?" He chuckled.

"Harry, stop. Stop lying to me and stop making fun of me. I know you came into my room last night. It was you," I stated, glaring at him.

"I'm not lying," he shrugged simply.

"Why can't you fucking admit you slept in my room last night?" I shouted, getting really pissed off with him.

"Because I didn't?" He sarcastically answered.

"It was you, in my room last night. I know it was, and you know it to. So just fucking admit it, would you?" I hissed.

"It wasn't me, Chloe. Anyway, why would I want to sleep in the same bed as you? There's a lot of other girls that are better than you out there, Chloe, and I can get them. So I'll sleep in their beds, not some cheap, Australian maids bed," he snarled, before storming off. I stared at him as he stormed off, tears clouding my vision.

'It wasn't me.'

'There's a lot of other girls better than you.'

'Cheap, Australian maid.'

I felt a tear slide down my cheek. Fuck! Again with the crying! It's got to stop. I bit my lip and looked down. Why is he lying to me? Why can't he tell me it was him in my bed last night? I know it was. It was 100% him. Why can't he admit it?

Those words he said, cut me deep. I mean 'cheap, Australian maid', how can he be so heartless? Fucking asshole.

I sighed and wiped my tears, walking back downstairs. I need to forget about him. Forget about his stupid actions and hurtful words. He fucks with my mind and it's hurting and breaking me, more and more each day. It needs to stop. It has to.

I walked into the lounge and sat by Renee.

"I thought you were changing?" She asked.

"Couldn't find any shorts," I lied.

"Oh, okay."

I fiddled with my fingers and sighed quietly.

"Are you okay?" She whispered into my ear, making sure no one else could hear.

"No. Not at all."

A/N: I'm so sorry it's so short! I have something building for the next chapter though, so don't hate me to much!


Love you all! Xxx


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