Authors Note

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Fuck me, time definitely flies. It's literally been about two years since I've updated this book or spent any time writing the next chapter. I know I left at such a shit time, like I left you all on a total cliffhanger, but it was my intention to update at some stage - I guess that time has just never come.

So, a lot has happened in my life in two years. I've grown up, fallen in love, had my heart broken, lost people I thought would be with me for a long time and gained some new ones, but I think the part that you will care about the most is the fact that my interest in One Direction dwindled a few months after they announced their hiatus. I still love them all and I still care about their wellbeing, but I'm not completely and utterly obsessed by them anymore. Quite frankly, my life used to pretty much revolve around those five boys (eventually four) and after they announced their break and there wasn't much activity from them I found myself being interested in new things. Please, don't get me wrong; I still cherish all the memories from the many years I was in love with them for and I'm even going to see Harry in April next year when he comes to Melbourne - so clearly all interest is not lost.

In saying all this, my time as an author on Wattpad is done. I appreciate every single one of you and the way you all read this story and supported me throughout the writing of it. I don't really know if any of you will care that this book will not be continued, but I thought I'd say something instead of just completely disappearing. Although, I'm not a complete bitch, because I do have the chapter plans saved and the ending planned out, so I figured I would post the chapter plans for you to read and that way you know what was going to happen. It's ridiculously cheesy and so unimaginable, but, hey, I was young.

So, for the last time, I love you all and thank you so much for everything you've all done for me.

I love you all .xx

(P.S: The character in this book 'Renee' was loosely based off a friend I had in real life, but I literally hate her guts now HAHAHAHAH. Fucking regrets using her name in here omg)

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