Chapter 35

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Chloe's POV

The boys left for the studio and I was left at home to do my jobs. I had decided that I was going to mop the floors. That was one job that I rarely did, due to the fact that the house was so big and I hated mopping. I sighed as I pulled out the bucket of soapy water and dipped the mop into it. I pulled the mop back out and squeezed the water out of it, before placing it on the floor and mopping the dirty tiles in the kitchen.

The house had no carpet. It was all floorboards; except for the kitchen- it had tiles. That only made my job bigger, but then again, carpet stained so easily, so I would've preferred to mop the floors once than scrub the carpet on my hands and knees, like Cinderella.

It took me approximately two hours to clean the floor of the house. It wasn't as boring as I'd assumed, only because I put the TV on the 'V-Hits' channel and listened to all the latest music at full volume. I danced around the house as I mopped the floors, and I completed the job successfully. I thought the garden outside needed some work, but I had no idea where the boys kept their mower, or if they even had one. I decided I'd leave that garden job for another day, and just stick to the inside jobs.

The rest of my day was filled with cleaning windows, clothes, bed linen and even the boys rooms once again. I stripped the boys' beds and took their sheets to the laundry. I had to wash them separately though, because I couldn't tell whose was whose, and I knew if I put the sheets all in together, I would mix them up and the boys wouldn't be given their own linen. Between the washing of their clothes as well as the linen, and the drying of it to, I spent my time on the couch, eating anything I could find in the cupboard. I was insanely hungry all day, and I had a feeling it was because my period was due in a matter of days. I was eating us out of house and home, and I'm sure Niall would wonder where his salt and vinegar chips had gone.

My phone buzzed a few times and I checked it to see that Renee was texting me. She was asking me to come over and meet her family the following Thursday, and I told her I would go. I found it funny how I had to "meet her family", because it sounded like we were in some sort of relationship. I was excited to meet her family though. I was sure they were lovely people.

By the time it was five in the evening, I had cleaned and dried the boys' linen, and even put it on their beds. I had cleaned their clothes and put them away. Their rooms were now spotless and I felt as though the house was finally clean. I didn't think anything was out of place. It was sort of perfect. I awaited the boys' arrival, patiently, as I cooked dinner. The chicken in the pan sizzled and the oil spat as I flipped it over. The smell of garlic and herbs filled the kitchen, making my stomach rumble. I'd rolled the chicken in some garlic and herb marinade, and I was sure it was going to taste amazing.

When the boys arrived home, I stayed in the kitchen and greeted them, knowing they would come in and see what I was cooking. About a minute later, they rushed into the kitchen, crowding around me like seagulls, staring at the chicken in the pan.

"We're having chicken?" Asked Zayn.

I nodded. "Yep."

"It smells so good," groaned Niall, staring at the juicy chicken intently.

"It'll taste good to," I winked, cockily.

"Don't get too full of yourself," joked Louis.

I smacked him with the hot spatula and he shrieked, bringing his arm to his chest and holding the sore spot. He glared at me and I smiled back sweetly. The boys chuckled at our childlike actions and I turned back to focus on the chicken.

"Well, we'll leave you to it. I'm looking forward to it," said Liam, before walking out of the kitchen, the boys following. I thought I was alone when I heard Harry's boots click on the freshly cleaned tiles.

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