Chapter 45

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A/N: Sexual content is written in this chapter, too. Once again, feel free to skip it. Love you all. Xx


Chloe's POV

My eyes opened slowly, a groan escaping my lips. I closed my eyes again, the harsh glare of the sun too much for them to handle, after hours of darkness. I buried my face in Harry's bare chest, trying to prevent the light from reaching my eyes. Harry's grip around me never loosened over the night, if anything, it got tighter with every move I made in the bed. It was as if he was worried I was leaving, and he tried to make me stay by holding me closer to his body. I didn't mind at all, because I loved when he held me, I just wondered why he seemed to think I would leave, when I knew there was no way I would.

I opened my eyes a little bit, blinking violently to get used to the light room. Harry had forgotten to close the blinds the night earlier, but so had I, so we were both to blame. I sat up a little, resting my weight on my elbow as I rested in Harry's grip. I groggily peered down at his face, watching as he slept. I knew it was a creepy gesture, but I couldn't help it. His eyes were closed lightly and his lips were parted slightly, slow, light breathes leaving them.

His unruly hair was sticking up in all directions, and I knew one of the first things he would do when he woke up would be run his hands through his hair. I don't know if he intentionally did it, but he seemed to do it all the time. From my position against his chest, I could feel the slow and steady beat of his heart against mine. I smiled a little when I realised our heart beats were beating against each other, and I loved it.

Just lying in bed with Harry, wrapped in his arms, made me realise just that little bit more, how lucky I really was. The man underneath me was truly beautiful, carved gracefully. He wasn't the average guy you found on the streets, no, he was special and unique in his own way. He was possibly one of the most caring and loving guys I knew, and he valued others over himself was a quality that was hard to find in people nowadays.

Harry was simply my everything. I didn't understand how I cared for him as much as I did, but my affection for him was something of a great amount, and I couldn't even comprehend how happy I was to know he felt the same way for me. Living in the same household as Harry, allowed me to revolve my life around that man, and everything I seemed to do was for our benefit. I craved Harry constantly, so deeply it was, at times, a physical ache.

My heart thumped in my chest as I drank in the sight of Harry underneath me. I smiled when I pushed the blanket down, revealing his tattooed chest a little more. Harry had been blessed the body of a Greek God, and as if he wasn't lucky enough; he had the personality to go with his looks, too.

"Good morning, baby," he throatily whispered, opening his eyes, a small smile on his lips.

And, just like that, I was in love.

I knew that waking up to Harry every morning was where I wanted to be. I wanted to be wrapped in his arms at night, held closely to his chest as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear. I wanted Harry to love me like I loved him, and I wanted him to know he was my whole fucking world. I couldn't put into words my love and affection for the man underneath me, but being held in his arms was enough to make fall under the spell of oblivion and forget everything around me, my attention purely focused on him.

My self-confession brought a loving smile to my face, and I looked at him softly. "Good morning."

"How long were you staring at me?" He questioned deeply, pulling me on top of his body completely.

"I wasn't staring," I mumbled, resting my head on his shoulder, my lips brushing his neck.

"I think you were, love," he chuckled, his hands brushing my back under his t-shirt that I wore.

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