Chapter 22

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Chloe's POV

The rest of the night droned on, the room filled with smiles and laughter. My expression remained neutral and I stared at the TV screen, not bothering to socialise. Renee tried to get me involved with whatever they were doing, but I politely declined each offer. I felt quite bad seeing as I'd invited her over, yet I wasn't even hanging with her as such. I could tell she was interested in my sudden mood change, and I knew that she knew it had something to do with Harry. Speaking of Harry; he didn't come back down. He stayed upstairs and he didn't bother anyone for the rest of the night. I felt like doing the same; sitting in my room alone, but Renee was here, and I couldn't do that to her. I know she's comfortable with the guys now, but once again, I invited her over and I intend to "keep or company".

"Chloe, we're all going to sleep," mumbled Renee beside me. I looked up at her, snapping out of my trance.

"Oh, uhm, okay," I nodded and stood up off the couch slowly. I looked over to the see the boys watching me warily. I gave them a small smile to show them I was "okay". They all smiled small smiles in return.

"Goodnight, Chloe," smiled Zayn.

"Night," I replied. The rest of the boys said their 'goodnights' before walking upstairs to their bedrooms. I looked up at the ceiling and ran a hand through my hair. It has definitely been a long night.

"Chloe," sighed Renee. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I mumbled, turning away from her.

"Chloe, I'm serious. You went to find Harry earlier and I know something happened between you two, so you may as well tell me, because I won't stop interrogating you until I find out exactly what happened," she stated sternly. I turned around again and stared at her, a weak smile playing on my lips.

"Thankyou for caring, but it doesn't matter, okay?" I pleaded.

"Chloe, please," she breathed. I sighed in frustration and looked at her weakly. Her eyes were soft and I could tell she was genuinely worried about me.

"I went to ask him why he slept in the same bed as me, and he lied saying he didn't sleep with me. When I got mad at him, he told me that there were other girls, better than me, out there and that he would sleep in their beds, and not some 'cheap, Australian maids' bed," I answered, monotonously.

Her eyes widened and I could see her mind ticking over, absorbing the new information that she'd received. She looked at me sympathetically and soon opened her arms up, walking towards me. She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. A few tears escaped my eyes as I hugged her back. A hug was all I needed to make me cry. My small sniffles soon turned into muffled sobs, my body shaking. I pulled back from the hug and collapsed on the couch.

"Do you know how fucking hard it is to know that he thinks so lowly of me? He hates me. He fucking hates me, and it hurts me so much. Each time he spits his disgusting words at me, it's like someone rips a small part of my heart out of my chest. He knows I like him, he knows how I feel about him, but he doesn't care. He doesn't fucking care, Renee. He heartlessly hurts me, and it's killing me," I sobbed, throwing my head into my hands.

I could feel the couch dip beside me and her arms wrap around me, pulling me into her side. She whispered soothing words and rubbed my back, trying to calm me down.

Every single conclusion the boys have come up with about him secretly liking me, seems like complete bullshit to me. You don't hurt the people you like. You just don't. As of this day, I am utterly sure that he hates me. That's all it is. Pure hatred. He doesn't secretly like me. He just wants to fuck with me, I mean, why would he sleep in my room and then say hurtful things? To me, it's just another way to hurt me; make me think he cares, but then he'd be an asshole again.

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