Chapter 29

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A/N: Important note at the end. Please read it! Xx

Chloe's POV

I set breakfast out on the table, awaiting the boys' loud arrival. I couldn't really be bothered making an extravagant breakfast so all I made was toast. The toast was piled high on a plate with assorted spreads placed on the table beside it. I reached up to tighten my ponytail before pulling up my skinny jeans. Today I got ready before I made breakfast. You see, usually I would go out in my pyjamas but I awoke early today so I showered, applied make-up and got dressed. I felt pretty accomplished.

"What's on the menu for today?" Asked Niall, making his way into the dining room.

"Toast," I answered simply.

"Eh, good enough for me," he smiled, sitting down and grabbing four pieces. He spread jam on each of them, shoving them down his throat.

"Are the other boys ready?" I asked, smiling in amusement as he scoffed down his toast.

"Don't know, but I wouldn't mind if they're not. More food for me," he winked, swallowing his mouthful.

I laughed and shook my head, grabbing two pieces of toast for myself. I spread peanut butter across the bread and started to eat. Back in Australia, I would eat my toast with vegemite and butter. I miss having vegemite around.

"Good morning," said Liam, sitting down at the table.

"Morning," I replied, taking a bite of my breakfast.

"Ah, toast. Nice and simple today, huh Chloe?" He asked, smiling at me teasingly.

"Yep," I laughed, finishing off my first piece.

"It's good though. I like simple meals," he smiled.

I smiled in return, digging into my second piece of toast. The rest of the boys filed in one by one, each greeting us with a "good morning". Harry across from me, once again. He smiled at me a lot during breakfast, and I found it quite cute. Once the boys were finished, I grabbed their plates and took them to the kitchen. I put them in the dishwasher, not in the mood to wash them by hand.

"We better get going, Chloe," smiled Liam.

I nodded. "Go sing your little hearts out."

The boys chuckled and nodded, Zayn opening the front door. They each said "goodbye" before making their way to the car.

"Thanks for breakfast, love," said Harry, walking towards me.

"No problem," I smiled up at him as he made his way closer to me.

He bent down and placed a light kiss to my cheek, before pulling back and smiling cheekily at me.

"Have fun today," he chuckled, before walking out the door, closing it behind him.

I smiled giddily to myself, placing two fingers to the spot on my cheek that Harry had kissed. I bit my lip and laughed to myself before pulling out my phone. Renee and I planned to meet up at our favourite coffee joint; Starbucks. I texted her telling her to meet me there in ten minutes and that I needed to tell her something.

I don't know why, but I was excited to tell Renee about Harry and I. It was as if I felt the need to share it, like it needed to be told. I grabbed my bag and shoved my phone into my pocket before dashing out the door.

I got to Starbucks in record time and sat at our usual table in the corner, closest to the window. I waited about two minutes until Renee showed up. She smiled at me widely making her way over to me. She dropped her bag on the floor and sat down in her seat quickly. She leant over the table, her wide smile still spread across her face.

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