Chapter 49

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Chloe's POV

My head was a pounding mess, and the pain was horrible. I screwed my eyes shut tightly, in hope that the pain would vanish, but unfortunately, it only made it worse. I groaned lightly and dug my head into the familiar chest of Harry, and held him against me tighter, keen for the throbbing in my head to ease up.

Harry seemed to awaken from his deep slumber, and he was obviously hit with the same overwhelming pain in his head as I was.

"Never fucking drinking again," he hoarsely whispered, digging his face into my hair.

"I know," I moaned, grazing my teeth along the skin of his pecks, the thumping of my head ringing in my ears.

I looked up to see Harry's eyes squeezed shut and his jaw tensed. Even though I was in a shitty, hung over mood, the sight of Harry was enough to make me smile. Harry opened his eyes only seconds after I looked at him and he looked at me blankly. His eyes were dull and he had large bags under his eyes, letting me know he was still exhausted, but his headache just wasn't allowing him to sleep peacefully.

"I feel like I'm going to die," he groaned, shuffling further into the blankets. His head was next to my chest and I smiled a small smile as he buried his head against my breasts.

"Same, babe," I mumbled, lying back down on the pillow. I dragged my fingers through his messy curls and tried to relax both of us, but our headaches were too extreme and I knew they weren't going to die down anytime soon.

I could smell the alcohol on his breath and even skin, and it made me crinkle my nose. Although, I knew I smelt the same and he didn't seem to care, so I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and attempted to ignore the killer hangover.

I could remember most of what had happened the night before, especially when I'd discovered his two extra nipples (I wasn't forgetting that anytime soon). 'Twin eater' was definitely going to be our new thing, and I knew I wasn't going to let that one go for a while. I planned to tease him for it, and although he acted like it annoyed him, I knew he loved it when I teased him. The smile on his lips was enough to show that he enjoyed every playful insult I threw at him, and I think it was because when he gave it to me, I could take it and then give it back.

I'd made an effort to give Harry his fulfilling blow job, but when I pulled his pants down, and boxers, we practically passed out on the sheets. So, Harry had slept naked that night, whilst I was in his shirt and sweats. I couldn't have cared less if Harry had slept naked in his bed (the bed that we shared every night), even if it was the first time he'd been completely bare in the bed. It just wasn't a big deal.

"You smell like alcohol," pointed out Harry.

I cracked a smile, my eyes still closed. "You're probably smelling your own breath blowing back in your face, babe." I knew I did smell like alcohol, but where was the fun in giving in straight away?

"Maybe," Harry said, lifting his head up. "But yours does, too." He smiled cheekily, and if it weren't for his hangover, I knew the smile would've been wider.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Guess that means we won't be kissing anytime soon- until we brush our teeth, that is," I said, acting as if I couldn't have cared less.

Harry laughed a little, before wincing a little- the ache of his headache reminding him that it was still there. He leant up and tried to attach our lips, but I quickly turned my head, resulting in a sharp pain to shoot through my skull. I cursed slightly, before looking back to Harry to see him smiling.

"Come on," he pouted. "Just one kiss?"

"Nope," I shook my head slowly. "Brush your teeth first and then you can have one."

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