Authors Note

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(Feel free to vote or whatever on this note, if you really want toooo. xx)

Helloooo, to you all. Sorry, if you thought this was an update- I didn't mean to get you too excited. Anyway, I just want to talk to guys about a few little things that I'm either thankful for, amused about, thrilled with or things that are just blantly annoying me.

So, the first thing is: Thankyou all so much for everything you've all done for me. I've been receiving so many inboxes about this book, and believe me when I say that all of them have been positive. People have shared my story with their friends, creating exposure for it and I just want to say that I literally have no words to describe how thankful I am for all your support. I've nearly written fifty chapters and each one of them never gets less than thirty votes (until now, probably). To others, that may not seem like a lot, but to me, it's more than I could've asked for.

One thing that's been making me laugh is the way you all vote quicker than ever before, on the chapters that have sexual content. It seriously makes my day, guys. You people are just horny little shits, to be honest, but I still love you, so it's okay. I actually have a question for you about the sexual scenes: is the writing okay? Like, does it make sense and sound mature enough? Please, tell me what you think.

Moving onto the not so positive side of things: Okay, so, I have received at least twenty inboxes from people asking me how old I am, and when I reply with my age, I recieve callous like responses, saying that I am too young to be writing the material I am. I just want you all to know that I absolutely love writing on Wattpad. It's something I do in secret and something only very few people know about. The fact that people actually take the time out of their day to pass judgement on my age, just makes me feel quite hurt, but also frustrated that people want to make me feel unhappy about doing something that I love. Look, I know I am young, but I love writing on here and the reaction and feedback I get after I post a chapter is phenomenal, so I'm sorry, but I'm not going to sojourn my writing, just because people think it's odd that someone of my age writes this material. It's not your choice whether I write a story for others, it's mine, and if you don't like the fact that I will continue to do so, then, please, do yourself (even me) a favor and stop reading, because you're only putting me down and annoying yourself.

Something that really grinds my gears is when people compare my story to other novels or movies out there. Honestly, my writing is as creative as I can possibly make it, and I think of it all by myself. Yes, maybe the sex scenes sound similiar to others, but really, how can you write about some guy sticking his finger up some chick, without it sounding different to the way other people write it? I mean, you can't completely change it up, seeing as the way the process goes is exactly how people write it. I don't know if that makes sense, but hopefully it does. I've at least tried to make my characters as diverse as I can in comparison to others, and I really don't know what else I can do to make them even more different.

I don't know if you see the comments on my chapters (I usaully delete them, before anyone has the chance), but sometimes they read "THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, AW" or "damn, harry's like after harry in this". I can't even explain how pissed off I get when I read things like that. I love The Fault In Our Stars, but I have never tried to copy it. If something sounds similiar, then it wasn't intentional. I think what frustrates me the most is the After comments. Like, I'm sorry that Harry has fucking anger issues, okay? But, like, Harry won't be the gorgeous little angel he is in every single book you read. Please, try and understand that. I have never, not even once, quoted After in any way, and it really pisses me off how people think I'm trying to steal others ideas. Please, please, please don't comment anything about comparison or reference to another book. If you do, your comment will be deleted, just like it usually is.

One last thing: People have been hating on the way Chloe treats Harry or something. Like, they have been saying she was stringing him along for ages, by the act of the whole "dating" thing. This makes me even more annoyed than before. It was a mutual decision between the two, and they both agreed to go slow, due to Harry's lack of knowlegde on the topic. Chloe is, like, my little baby that I created and I'm protective of her, you know? So, when people say things, like "ugh, if they got in a relationship already then it'd be more interesting", it just makes me want to slap some sense into some people, you know? Honestly, I'll slap them with a pan if I have to. I mean, seriously? It's not like Chloe and Harry didn't do anything when they weren't in a relationship. They kissed, got intimate and they shared how much they liked each other. There was seriously no lack of intimacy between the two, and I don't understand why people are hating on Chloe, due to the fact they were just simply dating. It was a fucking mutual decision, not just Chloe's, okay?

I'm sorry if I sound like a bitch, or whatever, but I'm just sick of all the hate on Chloe, comparison to other novels and movies and shrewishness about my age. I simply won't tolerate it anymore, sorry.

Anyway, so now that that's all cleared up, I want to say one last thankyou. I've just hit three hundred comments recently and my reads are blowing up precipitously. So, thankyou to every single on of you. I literally love all of you, simply because TMFS wouldn't be where it is today, without the efforts of you guys. I love you all (well the nice readers, anyway), so, so much. xx


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