Chapter 64

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A/N: I'll edit tomorrow, because, like, I'm tired. Love you all. xx

Chloe's POV

"Stop moving," Harry's raspy whine stilled my attempt to abscond his tight grip. His arms pulled me back to my previous position on the bed, closer to his body, and he nuzzled his head into my neck, breathing lightly against my skin.

A light laugh of mine filled the air as I turned over in Harry's grip so that I was facing him. It had been the first night in a while that we'd woken up without him blanketing me, but having his warm chest pressed against my bare back was just as soothing.

He readjusted himself so that his head was resting on my pillow and there only millimetres of space separating our faces. His somnolent and lazy eyes fluttered open and closed as he yawned, making me screw my nose up in repugnance. As much as I loved him, his morning breath was ghastly.

"Ew," I muttered, digging my face into the pillow.

"Shut up," he mumbled, digging the tips of his fingers into my sides as he held me.

I let out a shriek of laughter and writhed on the bed in a way that was way too energetic for that time of the morning. Harry rolled on top of me, his head buried in my neck as he tickled me, his torso preventing any drastic movement from me.

"Harry, stop," I choked out in between my laughter.

"Why'd you try and leave?" He muttered against my neck, his fingers halting their playful assault.

"I need to pee," I explained, breathing heavily, my hands resting on his shoulders. "And, you being pressed against my bladder really isn't helping the situation."

Harry chuckled and intentionally pushed his body harder against me, causing me to let out a groan.

"Fuck off, Harry," I moaned, pushing his shoulders, although, he didn't budge.

"No." He rolled his hips against me and I grinned when I felt the stiffness of his member resting against my bare sex. We'd slept naked that night. It was Harry's idea - he insisted, telling me there was "no point in getting dressed again" if we'd just gotten undressed and were about to sleep.

"I can't help you out if you don't let me pee," I whispered, pushing my hips up against him, earning a light moan against my neck, and a tautened grip.

"Nooo." His teeth grazed, before he flicked his tongue out to allay the skin of the small sting that has risen to the surface.

"I will pee on you," I breathed as intimidatingly as I could in the arousing atmosphere Harry was creating.

His groan was stifled by my neck. "Fine, but hurry up." He loosened his hold and I quickly wiggled my way out of it, running to the bathroom, naked. I knew Harry had watched me, but I didn't mind.

I finished my business, before I grabbed my toothbrush (it'd made itself at home in Harry's bathroom now) and quickly brushed my teeth, before splashing water on my face and drying it off with a towel. A spare hair tie of mine sat next to the basin, so I threw my hair up on top of my head in a bun, before I studied my reflection in the mirror.

I looked alive and my eyes were optimistically vibrant. Last night had opened a new door between the two of us. The love making and even the conversation we had in the bath tub were both constructively taking their toll on my body and mind. I felt as if we had tied together the couple of loose ends that our relationship had. I figured that the closer we got, the less fighting we would endure, and now that we'd become familiar with each other's bodies in a way that only the two of us knew, I hoped our relationship would build a stronger link between the two of us.

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