Chapter 30

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Chloe's POV

I had woken up a lot earlier than usual, due to the loud wind outside. There's something about wind that doesn't allow me to sleep. I hate the sound that it makes and the way it forces tree branches to tap against my windows. When I'm sleeping, I like it to be silent, and the tree branches tapping on my window definitely didn't allow that. I used my spare time this morning to shower and get dressed before doing my usual duties around the house.

The boys had invited me to tag along to the studio. I couldn't turn down the offer! I'd always wanted to see where music is made and going to a recording studio was the perfect place for that. I made the boys a simple breakfast, not really in the mood to make anything too extravagant. They didn't mind at all.

"You ready to go?" Asked Louis' voice from behind me. I turned around and gave him a nod, hitching my handbag on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I answered, walking towards him. He smiled and waited for me just outside my bedroom door.

"I'm actually really excited," I chuckled, closing my bedroom door behind me.

"Yeah? Why's that?" He asked as we walked down the hall together.

"I guess I've always wanted to be to a recording studio. I get to see where music is created and I've always loved to do that- create music," I explained.

He nodded. "Yeah, I get you. It's a really cool studio, I mean, sure the buttons confuse me but it's a nice place to record music."

I laughed at him and nodded my head. "I've seen the ones on the TV shows. It looks like there's a lot of buttons to press and slide up and down."

"Trust me, there is," he laughed along with me.

"How much time do you spend actually recording?" I asked.

"Well, it really depends on how well we know the songs, or if there is even a song to record."

"Do you write songs in the studio?"

"Yeah, sometimes. Most of us guys have our own little places to write music."

"Your own little places?"

He nodded. "It's just a peaceful place we can write our own music, I guess."

"Do you guys know each others places?"

"No, we don't actually. They're like our own private getaways."

"That sounds nice," I smiled.

"It is," he confirmed as we got to the front door where everyone was waiting.

"I didn't know it could take someone so long to grab their handbag?" Teased Niall.

"Shut up. I had to find my phone," I defended myself.

"Really? You took like fifteen minutes," pointed out Zayn.

"Guys," I groaned. They chuckled at me and I gave them all a glare.

"Come on, we need to go," chuckled Liam.

We nodded and walked outside. I opened the car door and slid in, buckling up. We were taking a different car, a mini van if that's what you wish to call it, seeing as there were six of us. Much to my satisfaction, Harry sat next to me. I smiled to myself when his hand brushed my hip, as he tried to buckle himself up.

"Sorry," he breathed into my ear, the seat belt clicking shut.

"It's fine," I smiled, looking up to meet his gaze.

He smiled, his dimples showing. "You look very pretty today."

I blushed and looked down at my simple tank top, cardigan and skinny jeans. "Thankyou, so do you."

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