Chapter 54

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Chloe's POV

"Harry," I called out as I jogged down the stairs, following my quickly angering boyfriend, as his long legs took him down the stairs two at time.

"Harry, seriously, stop," I spoke, my tone coming out as more of a whine than a demand.

Harry's torso jumped up and down with each long stride he took down the stairs, and I could see his muscles tightening in the back of his shirt, showing me that he was definitely angry and just holding it in.

"Harry, please," I pleaded, hoping my third whine for acknowledgment would stop him, and luckily, it did.

"What, Chloe? What could you possibly want?" He hissed as he turned around, stepping off the last stair of the staircase.

"Look," I breathed, relieved that I'd finally gotten him to speak to me, even if it was in a harsh mannor. "What you saw up there, it didn't mean anything, okay? I was just comforting him and helping him out. He's in a bad place right now, and he needed a friend, so I was there for him. We're friends, Harry, and you of all people should know that you're best friend wouldn't do what you're suspecting."

Harry scoffed. "Very fucking close friends, I'm assuming?" Obviously he didn't acknowledge the fact that I'd mentioned Liam was in a bad place, and I rolled my eyes.

"Harry, Liam wouldn't do that and neither would I," I spoke sternly, making Harry shake his head and look away from me. "What?" I questioned.

"Nothing," he muttered bitterly. "Let's just go and spend time with Niall. He's missed us." With that, Harry turned away from me and walked towards the lounge room.

I huffed and I knew that our argument wasn't going to be over, and that he would surely blow up sometime soon; I just didn't know when. I ran a hand through my hair and closed my eyes. I didn't feel guilty, to be honest, but only because I had nothing to feel guilty for. Harry had walked in at the wrong time, and to him, what we were saying sounded suspicious, although it wasn't intended that way.

I walked towards the lounge room and saw Harry sitting on the couch, legs spread open, muscles tense, along with a stony expression plastered on his face. His jaw was clenched shut and I could see Niall looking at him strangely, but he didn't question it.

I walked in timidly, and had the smallest figure of doubt about where to sit. I didn't know if I should've acted like everything was fine, or not, but I was almost one hundred percent sure that doing that would make Harry infuriated, and I wasn't ready to put up with that again.

I scanned the free couches and decided I would sit on the same one as Harry, but made sure I would distance us. I sat down with a large amount of space in-between Harry and I. Harry let out a small puff of air and balled his hands that rested beside him into fists. I watched as his red knuckles turned white and immediately felt a sense of hurt wash over me. His reaction to me sitting down made me feel as though he didn't want me there, and although he may have been angry at me, he still loved me and I him, and that was a promise in itself to make sure you were always pleasant to the one another.

I sucked in a deep breath and bravely scooted closer to Harry. I watched him closely out the corner of my eye, and noticed his jaw unclench and eyes close. It seemed as though he was softening up and his attitude was changing, but within a split second, his jaw was clenched once again, and he sunk himself further into the couch.

"Harry," I whispered, making him grunt. I placed my hand on his and felt him tense underneath me. "It wasn't what it looked like."

"Not now, Chloe," Harry hissed, pulling his hand away from mine.

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