Chapter 1

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//So basically this is my first book or to be exact I never wrote anything to be published,so please be gentle on me.I would be extremly grateful if you commented what you like and what you do not like,what would you want me to change,comment about my writting style,just feel free to comment on everything.I am really grateful for that because good constructive critics build you up.Also,I wanted to say that english is my foreign language,so if I make any grammar or vocabulary/spelling mistake correct me.Although this won't get any viewers or make couple of you I wanna say that I LOVE YOU// enjoy? xo

And this first chapter will be just an introduction to main character,her habits and life. I'm warning you it might be boring for some pupils but hold on until next chapters I hope I won't disappoint you tho.


I open my eyes,reach out for my phone and extreme light from it hits my eyes.My eyes almost vanished to be honest. 05:11,I woke up early for school.I'll try to fall asleep again.Turn on one side,turn on another side,I do that repeatedly until I realise I'm not going to sleep again.I get up and just sit on my bed,staring blankly in front of me.Nothing was on my mind in that moment,I just listened to my own breaths and my heartbeat. Outside was still dark. This time I got up for real and went to bathroom.Then I had another session of staring,but this time I was staring at myself,in mirror.My hair was in a messy bun,my under-eye circles were so visible that maybe only magic could hide them.My green eyes were staring right at me and,unlike first staring session,I had so much on my mind.I just bit my lip,what an awful habit of mine,I actually do that every time I'm thinking about anything..Then I did my hygiene and put mascara on.Yes I was blessed with existing,dark brows and clear face (due to my plan of eating and gallons of water I guess,because I didn't have clear face before tbh).Oh look,I'll have time to make myself a breakfast and actually eat something in morning.Usually I didn't have time to eat anything and  just skipped breakfast because I wanted to sleep as longer as I can and that resulted in sacrifising my breakfast.I made myself a toast with butter and strawberry jam and warm cocoa,my favourite breakfast.It was 7:37 when I finished,that means I have 40 mins left until I need to get going to school.Ahh,high school..I actually love my high school.It is really small and on beautiful location (city centre),professors are totally okay and people in there are awesome because not many studends attend my school.My school only accepts 18 students per class,so we only have 1 first grade,1 second grade,1 third grade,1 fourth grade.It is bloody hard and some things we do,pupils from America,Canada or other European schools don't do or will do on college..Yeah,that's why I don't sleep usually,guess what I'm studying.But enough about my school,let me introduce myself to you,because I clearly forgot about that. My name is Arya and I'm currently 17.I go to high school which I love besides that's hard af and hell in that aspect of view.Although,I am straight A student.My mum is Angeline and she is a doctor and my dad is Myron and he is an architect.I am European girl,used to train volley and I'm my parents good,role model,daughter (I don't feel like it tbh,I'm so much different,but that's what they and other adults see).I love having fun,travelling but I don't have time for that because of school of course..I don't have life because of it tbh,nor party/social,nor love life.Never had boyfriend.Yup,it's hard for me to fall in love,I've been in love only once and that was in 9th grade lol,I just don't focus on it.That's it basically,so let's hop on my day again.I went to school by bus and got there just in time.Today I don't have any test or oral examination because it's end of year.OH YEAH SUMMER BABY. By the end of my last lession I got message from my mum:

I'm waiting for you in front of your school,I have news for you,so we are going on dinner.Dad will be joining us there.Love you xx.

I didn't answer it.Hm,I was really in mood for some good food because I haven't eaten since breakfast.Seems my plans with my girls,classmates,are off.I heard a ring bell,said bye to them and went out.I got in car and hugged my mum.I was really impatient about the news so I started brainwashing her:
''Cmon mum,what's the news?Is it bad or good?Juuuuust tell me!''.
She just cut me off:
''Won't tell you,wait until we meet your father and get in restaurant.''
Then she just turnt on volume of the radio even more.I rolled my window down,put my sunglasses on,stick my head out and enjoyed sunshine.Hozier-From Eden was playing and I was singing with my mum,we both loved that song.I saw dad standing in front of restaurant,he was waving to us.When mum parked I went to my dad,hugged him and we went inside.
''So guys,will you finally tell your impatient daughter T H E N E W S?'',I asked when food came.
My mum finally answered:
"Arya I got job,so your dad did also!''.
I was confused,both my dad and mum already had jobs and pretty good ones,with amazing salary and that stuff. I frowned.
''The catch is..'',my mum then continued when she saw I was frowning,''...job is in Canada.And we are planning to accept it,because it is really good opportunity,but we firstly wanted to see your oppinion on it and your reaction.''
I was stunned.Canada is on whole other continent,it is really far from Europe and really different from the country I am living in.English is their mother tongue and in my country it is not,well I didn't mind that because I know it perfectly,my school is on english and I was learning it since I spoke on my mother tongue.But my friends here,my life here,my everything.Oh God.But the fact was,I loved the idea of me moving from here.I always had a wish to move every 5 years to another country.Never had actual possibility until now. Yes,I will leave everything I had here but I didn't really mind it.I am always craving for changes.I couldn't put my parents down,because it's theirs opportunity for job and life.Even if I did wanted to stay here I probably wouldn't be able to,they would accept it no matter what.So why to do problem when basically I don't have a choice.Everything I leave here,I will probably build up in Canada too.And oh my God,school will be so easy for me,because I probably did more than half things if not everything they do.I'll have relaxed life there,unlike here where I'm always stressed out because of school.I'll have time to hang out with friends I make,well I hope I will make any! And I'll have time to explore Canada,be lazy,watch Netflix and do whatever I want.I'LL HAVE TIME THERE.Sounds like a good idea.
"You should accept it,I'm supporting your decision and you both know how much I love changes,so this is nice for me too! Don't worry about me.'',I said to them.
Then we just talked more about the jobs,Canada,everything,while we ate our food.I found out they'll buy house in Pickering,small town near Toronto.They both got jobs in Toronto,but wanted the house in that small town because of the peace they both need.I would prefer big city,but when I googled Pickering it seemed like really nice small town.I could really imagine myself there.Tbh,Canada has been my dreamland since forever.Mum will do the papers with my current school,sign me out of it and sign me in new one in Canada.We will do all the things we need to do over the summer.And we will be leaving to Canada in August,few weeks before school starts.I guess my summer plans consisted of fun,party,festivals,hanging out,chilling,relaxing are off.Well,it doesn't matter anyway.
''What will Canada bring to me?'',that question was echoing inside my mind.We shall see.

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