Chapter 24

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My alarm goes off and I wake up.This morning decision is to get up earlier so I can look like a decent human being. Dress up and put makeup on,check! I yell my parents names but they don't respond. Gone to work. I grab my car keys and head out. Throw my backpack on the other seat and I drive off. Familiar tunes filling my ears and me singing along. Everything is covered in snow,but today the sky is bright blue and it's sunny. School shows in front of me and I park my car. As I walk towards the school suddenly the strong force pushes me into the deep snow right next to the path. I was ready to swear everything out to the person who pushed me until I saw Theo on top of me.He is smiling widely and his blue eyes matching today's sky.
"JERK! This is not so polite of you",I yell and instead of swearing at him I give him a wide smile just like he is giving me.
"It's a wake up call.Good morning beautiful",his large hand pushes snow onto my face as he speaks.
I gasp and push him of me.
"THEO!",I yell.
"Yes,Arya?Winter fun?",he smirks.
"Certainly not.I'm wet and cold and fuck you",I speak fast.
"Ohhhh,come on,I see that smile on your face.Don't hide it",he makes puppy face.
Now smile really appears on my face. Damn puppy face.
"Haaa! Knew it!",he yells as he stands up and brushes snow from his clothes.
I just roll my eyes.
"You'll pay me for this",I say and start walking towards school with my clothes,face,hair snowy and wet.
"I bet I will",he laughs at me.
"Jerk",I mumble and push him in front of me.
"Heard ya",he sticks his tongue out.
I stick my tongue out too. We walk in the school together,goofing and laughing at each other.
"Beware of me",I squint my eyes at him and walk backwards down the hall still looking at him standing beside his locker.
"Ohohoho.I'm so scared.I'm shaking",he makes fun of me.
"You should be!!!!",I yell and smile at him as I turn around and run down the hall to my locker.

Whole first class I spent thinking about how to pay Theo back. Finally I got an idea.

"Lunch together?",I send him a message.
"Gonna poison me?",he replies immediately.
"Guess you've got to find out😋",I type back.
"Sure.I'll wait for you where your locker is",arrangement is made.
Fourth period is over and I hear the bell ringing.Lunchtime.I pick my stuff up and head out of the classroom.Theo stands there,casually leaning on my locker.He is actually really handsome.
"Do you mind?",I jokingly ask and push him of my locker.
I just throw my books in and we head into cafeteria.
Time for my plan.
Theo sits down with his food and I go to get mine.
"Boss,did you make it?",I ask the school cook.
Don't ask anything. I call him Bo$$ and I'm literally friends with him. I hung out with him in the kitchen on my free periods.He is man in his thirties and looks like mafia boss. He's hilarious and secretly leaves the best parts of lunch to me. Perks of being good with school staff.
"Yaaa,of course I did.Here is special thingy for ma bro.I'm dying to see that happen",he laughs and his weird accent makes me laugh,too.
"Thank you and I owe you! Watch it happen,Boss",I wink and take things from him.
I start walking towards Theo and when I'm just passing behind him sitting ,I spill the whole large bowl of raw eggs onto his head. Quickly I grab another bowl and before he realizes anything I spill the flour onto sticky him.He gasps and stands up quickly.Whole cafeteria is staring at us and I'm laughing loudly.Theo bites his cheeks.
"Oh,you are so done",he says and grabs my arms with his sticky hands.
I scream as he pulls me closer and wipes his hand on my face leaving it covered in eggs. I laugh and scream.
"Guess you're Humpty Dumpty now",I laugh at him.
He laughs and shakes his head left and right. Seconds after I'm over his shoulder and he is taking me outside.I laugh throughout my screams and we leave cafeteria.What a show for people inside,isn't it?
Where are we going?
We enter the swimming pool area.Theo gets me down from his shoulder.
"Do you mind breaking more rules?",he smirks.
"Absolutely I do mind",I stick my tongue out.
"Everything just opposite of what I say and do?",he titles his head.
"Kind of",I smirk.
"That was hella of a prank, but too badly you ended up covered in eggs and flour too",he makes fun of me.
"Humpty Dumpty",I make fun of him.
His hands pull me closer to him.They slide from my waist to my face.He leans closer and as he does I push him into the pool.Falling he grabs me and pulls me in with him.Water splashes as we hit the surface.Eggs and flour dirty water up.Shit.
"Shit,shit,shit,shit! Go out,now. Look at the water",I yell as we swim out on the surface of water.
"CHRISTENSEN AND IMMERA OUT,NOW! TO THE PRINCIPAL,NOW!!",before Theo could answer,loud male voice thunders in the room.
"Fuck",I mumble.
Professor Maringson stares at us and shakes his head in a disapproval.


Principal was pretty much disappointed but he wasn't that angry.He yelled a bit and then we listened to him talking and talking. Detention follows. My first detention..well totally worth it.We got to stay extra classes today.


We have 20 minutes left before our detention starts and we are not permitted to go anywhere but stay in classroom. Theo laughs at me for getting into detention class and I pretend mad.He pulls my hand and I find myself standing millimeters from him.He smiles and puts his hand on my chin. I'm down for a kiss,too. I smirk and he slowly gets closer. As he does doors swung open.My eyes meet with burning Shawn's look.My stomach drops.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now