Chapter 28

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"I can't be mad at him.He thinks I did the exact same thing to him.But...I didn't.He doesn't know that nor he ever will.I must protect Theo.
I am not mad.It is troubling me.Not the fact he was with another,but the fact he demands me to be absolutely his,to belong absolutely to him,not to lay my eyes on anyone else and there he is doing whatever he wants to and messing with everyone he wants to,that's troubling me badly. I felt sick when I saw that hickey,the mark of possession,on his neck. It made me wonder who replaced me. Although,I immediately realized there was nothing to replace.I'm nothing to him"
Cold water starts running down my back causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I step out of shower and put my sweatpants on.
Noise from downstairs makes me turn down mellow tunes filling my room.I slowly go downstairs hoping there is a serial killer who came to murder me.
Instead of a serial killer I see my parents taking their coats off.
"Oh,hello you two.Where have you been?",I greet them.
"Hi,sweetheart.Well,we thought if you can go out on a date then we can too",my mum winks at me.
"Mum that wasn't a date..",I sigh.
"Nicely dressed and beautiful looking boy with bouquet of flowers for you and that's not a date? I am grown woman,I've been through that",she raises her eyebrows and giggles.
"No,mum,seriously,that wasn't a date.We are just friends and it will stay like that",I say to her while looking for something to eat.
"It didn't end up nicely?",my dad lets his voice out and makes weird face.
"No,it ended even better.I realized I have true best friend by my side now",I sigh once again and stuff my mouth with spoon full of cereals.
"Oh that's wonderful.We are both glad to hear that",my dad says while stealing my cereals with his spoon.
"I know that you are especially glad dad.Boyfriendofobia?",I glance at him.
"And,heeey,stop stealing my cereals",I laugh.
"Every dad has that fobia. It's like general thing for dads. And I will do as soon as you stay away from boys",he winks.
"Like I ever had one",I say laughing.
"Damn,you win.Imma leave your cereals and you die as a no lifer with 99 cats...khmm",he coughs out.
I just roll my eyes and hug my bowl with cereals like I'm protecting them from him.
My father sticks his tongue out and makes his own cereals. I laugh at him.
Mum walks into kitchen and interrupts our circus.
She is talking worryingly on her phone and I don't understand the word of Italian she speaks.
I look at my dad and he looks at me too.
"Myron...that Italian girl who I operated yesterday is having serious seizures.Hospital called me right now and it is not good. Her mother spoke to me seconds before and woman is freaking out.I must go to the hospital.Immediately Myron. Can you drive me there? I must prep myself for another urgent surgery",she speaks fast and already starts putting her coat back on.My dad nods worryingly and they storm off.
This happens all the time. Emergency calls and interventions.
I continue eating my cereals and stare blankly in front of me. I'm so tired.
Sudden knocks on front doors interrupt my silence. Instinctively,I start looking for my mother's hospital ID card,assuming it's her at the door.But I can't find it anywhere.I run towards door,well mum will know where it is.
Instead of my mother,I see drunken Shawn in front of me.
"What are you doing here?",I ask roughly.
"It is not the way...",he slurrs.
"Stop immediately. You don't have to explain yourself to me.I don't care. Go away",I say calmly and try to close my doors.
"You are lying when you say you don't care",he pushes the doors open again.
"Do you need me to repeat myself? I don't care,Shawn.I.Do.Not.Care.",I look at him.
His hair messy and he genuinely looks drunk when you look at him.
"You did that to me first.I needed to pay you back",he is already in my house.
"Who is she?",I ignore his accusations.
"What?",he asks stupidly.
"You heard me.Who is she?",I ask louder.
"I don't know.I don't remember",he says indifferently.
"Like that's supposed to make me feel better",I shake my head.
"Like I want you to feel better",he raises his eyebrow at me.
"You know what?!",I start yelling obviously driven crazy.
"He touched me",I start yelling at him before he could say anything.
"He kissed me",I yell louder and bring myself in his face.
"And tonight he'll FUCK ME",I push him with my both hands.
His eyes flash with anger and I feel him pushing me with his both hands. I almost trip over my own feet but he picks me up in his hands and slams me to the nearest wall.
"No one will touch you!",he yells in my face.
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND?",his hand slams the wall near to my head.
I flinch.
"I am not your possession.DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?",I yell back.
He thought he'll scare me with this? When will he learn I'm not submissive person?
He lets me down from his hands and now I'm just standing in front of him.His hand reaches for my face and he grabs it.His fingers digging into my cheeks and pressing hard.My face hurts but he doesn't let it go.
"No one is touching you",he repeats and lets go of my face roughly turning it into side.
"I'm not letting anyone near you and I know you don't want that too",he says.
"You don't give me hell of a choice,do you? You are suffocating me with this.You can't ask something like that from me and don't give me anything in return.World doesn't function in that way,sweetheart",I roll my eyes and push him away as his alcoholic smell makes me gag.
"Sweetheart huh?",his eyebrows raises.
"You don't like being called that way,huh?",I raise my eyebrow at him.
"I prefer being called by my last name",he comes closer again.
"And yet no one calls you like that but me",I fix my look on his plump lips.
"That's why I love it",his lips now grazing my left ear.
"I thought you're not the cheesy type of a guy",I put my hand in his hair.
"Well alcohol makes us do a lot of different things,princess",he kisses my neck.
Damn Shawn and his nicknames. He always gets me going.
"And then let the alcohol make you go home.I want you to be sober with me",I look at him.
He stops kissing my neck and looks at me. There always something between us when our eyes meet.It's like someone set fire between us.
I feel his hand going behind my neck but what he does surprises me.
My head is yanked backwards and sharp pain strikes me. His hand fistful with my hair pulling it hard. I almost scream in pain but instead I just hiss.
"But you made me drink in first place.I am drunk because of you",he says with his drunken deep voice while pulling my hair harder.
"You are not drunk because of me.I did not make you drink.LET ME GO!",I yell out.
"You are a problem,Christensen",he starts slurring again.
"And?",I breathe irregularly.
"And I'm known for getting into problems",his hand releases my hair.
My head hurts badly now.
"Leave.Now",I calm my breathing down.
"NOW!",I yell shoving my arms into his chest and pushing him towards the doors.
He turns around and leaves.I shut the doors behind him,slowly slide down them and sit on the floor with my head buried in my hands.
He is so uncontrolled and forceful when drunk.He wanted to hurt me?
I creep up the stairs and go to my room,laying my tired body down on my bed and instantly passing out.

I wake up as my alarm clock goes off.I reach out for my phone and Shawn's message waits for me.
"Hope I didn't do anything stupid last night.I don't remember anything",message says.
"Nah..everything's fine🙂",I decide to act like nothing happened last night,like he did nothing.
He remembers hardly anything from last night.I'll act like that too.Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
I jump out of my bed and start getting ready for school.Last week before holidays.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now