Chapter 54

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Alarm goes off and my body aches.I don't even know how,but I stand up and go to my bathroom.If I don't go to school today I'll be suspended.I can't be suspended.

My own reflection meets my eyes and I gasp. Blue,red,purple handprints around my throat.I touch my neck and it hurts badly. I can barely swallow.You can clearly see his hands printed in bad bruises around my neck.I turn around.My whole spine is printed on my back.Purple bruising printing out my spine.You can count out my vertebrae literally. My eyes are burning red with broken capillaries.I sip eye drops in hoping it will go away.

I open my drawer and take out my foundation.I start applying coat on coat until my throat looks like before.I can't do anything with my back though.I'll just wear my hoodie and loose hair hoping no one notices.As fragile as I'm now I leave for school.


''Arya! What's wrong?!'',I hear Layla approaching.

''Hey! You are barely walking.Look at me!'',Layla walks up to me and I lean on the nearest locker unable to walk.

''Look at me Arya'',she repeats and I raise my look.

''Oh my god.Your eyes!'',she covers her mouth in shock.

''What happened?!'',she asks.

''I'm sick.Really sick'',I say.

''Why did you come to school?!'',she screams at me.

''I would be suspended if I didn't'',I say.

''Oh my god'',she hugs me and sharp pain goes through my body from my spine. I hold it in.

''Please let's go to bathroom.I need to put eye drops.The redness goes away.All of it'',I say and she tries to help me walk.

''No.Let me go.I can walk'',I push her.


''What's next?'',I ask.

''PE'',Ryan from class says.

Fuck.No,no,no.I can't change my clothes in front of everyone or put my hair in a ponytail.NO!

In the locker room I run into the restroom to change.I'll leave my hair down and hope Mr.Catheny won't nag about it.I again put the eyedrops in and exit the restroom. I walk into the sport hall with the rest of the girls and boys are already there.

My eyes meet with Shawn's and I freeze.My body starts shaking and I feel tears piling up in my eyes.He smiles at me and starts walking towards me like nothing has happened last night.

''No!'',unwilling scream escapes my mouth and everybody looks at me.

Shawn freezes and looks questionly at me.He has no idea.HE HAS NO IDEA.

Whistle sound fills my ear and everybody goes into the line like we are supposed to do.I follow and stand at my place.

''Arya tie your hair up immediately or you'll get a grade for that.I'm not going to repeat that to you girls everytime.Now,Arya!'',professor commands.

I hesitate at first,but do as told.Every move is filled with unbearable pain.I tie my hair and sit down as others are already playing volleyball.

''Feeling lazy today huh?'',professor approaches me.

''I'm sick.I'm sorry,sir'',I say.

''Go and play'',he says.

I stand up and move towards girls.

''Arya'',I hear him call me immediately and I freeze.

He saw it.I know he did.It's visible from the plane.I decide not to turn around,but continue to walk down the sport hall to meet the others. Surprisingly I hear professor walk away.I let out the breath I was holding in.

I keep aside as others play the whole time.Professor left us and went somewhere no one know why and where.

The sound for notification fills our ears and we all hear the familiar principal's voice. It is almost immediately clear to me why our professor left us alone.

''Good afternoon,students.This is your principal talking.Arya Christensen immediately report to the school's nurse'',notice echoes everywhere.

I put my hands on my head and take a deep breath.Whole class is staring at me.I let my hair down and go where I'm supposed to go.

''What happened Arya?'',I hear Shawn ask from the crowd.

''You'',I say and walk out.


"Arya..I've noticed something around the collar of your shirt",my professor starts talking as I'm sitting on the cold table in the school's infirmary.

"I don't know what are you talking about,sir",I say.

Principal,my professor and the nurse share looks with each other.

"Arya,can you please take off your shirt and show us your back",professor asks.

"I'm pretty sure I saw something"

"There is nothing there",I say.

"So let us see",nurse says.

"No", I say.

Principal lets out a worried breath and proceeds to talk.

"Arya..are you aware that I'll have to call a police and your parents if you don't let us see",he folds his hands.

My heartbeat starts racing. No,I can't involve police in this nor my parents. No,no,no.

"Okay.I'll show you",I sigh and tie my hair.

I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the small mirror on the wall. At least my eyes are not bloody and my throat is covered up.
I take my shirt off and turn around. Gasps fill the room we're in.
I shut my eyes and sigh.

"Arya..what happened?",I hear my professor ask.

Cold fingers touch my back and I wince.Nurse murmurs quiet sorry and I put my shirt back on.
I turn around and face my "audience".

"Okay,I'll tell you exactly what happened",I look right at my principal and nod.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now