Chapter 56

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Keys dangle in my hand.Doors click as I close them and make sure I lock them. Carry-on luggage rolls on the ground as I step away from my house. I turn around and my heart aches for all the good things which happened here.Tears quietly rush down my cheeks making my already cold face feel warm.I don't let out a single sob,instead I just put the luggage in the car trunk and sit on the drivers seat. With shaky hands I grab the wheel and start the car. As soon as I join on the highway I speed like a lunatic. It looks like I'm running away from someone or something.Well,aren't I?


''Please put your seatbelt on! I repeat,please put your seatbealt on!'',woman's voice echoes.

I relax in my seat and close my eyes.I've stopped crying and now I feel empty. I know I'll hurt my parents,but I need this more than anything else.

I need to disappear.

Angeline's (Arya's mother) POV

Unknown number keeps calling me and I keep declining it as I'm in the middle of quite important meeting.

The second this meeting is over I call the number. Shaky voice answers and I hear a voice of a tearful boy.

''I am sorry to interupt you during your work Ms. Christensen,but please tell me where Arya went..She doesn't want to talk to me or see me.Her phone is unreachable and I don't think she is home'',now I realize who it is on the other side.

''Shawn,honey,what happened?'',I ask as anxiety overflows me.

''I hurt her Ms. Christensen.Really bad.I'm so sorry.I'm insanely sorry'',he cries and I feel like my knees will give up on me.

''Shawn.Where is she?What happened?'',I want to yell,but my voice breaks.

''I don't know.I want to find her.I happened.I'm sorry'',he keeps apologizing and apologizing.

''Do you still have that key I gave you?'',I ask him.

''No,she made me give it to her the second she realized I have one'',he says.

''Then break in the house.Find her'',I say and hang up.

''Doctor! Are you okay?!'',nurse yells as she catches me before I fall down.

''I need air'',I say to her and she leads me out.

After some time my phone rings and I see that same unknown number.Unfortunately I recognize it now.I answer immediately,my heart racing.

''She is not here.Her closet is emptied out.All of her stuff is gone.She is gone'',he sobs.

I feel like my heart stopped pounding and I feel so lightheaded.

''Where?! Where?! She wouldn't leave.She would never leave us like this.I know her.I know her'',all I can hear in my head is think,think,think.

''Shawn are you still here?'',I ask.

''Yes'',he almost whispers.

''Go to the living room and in the bookshelf find the book called ''The Little Prince'' then open the page 11'',I lead him.

''Okay,but why?'',he asks in confusion.

''That's where we left her notes and money everytime we went on work or a trip before she woke up since she was a little girl. If you find nothing there then I don't know. Me and Miles are on our way'',I cool off.

For a couple of moments there is nothing but the sounds of feet hitting the foor on the other side and then he calls my name.

''She left something'',he says with his shaky voice.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now