Chapter 32

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Arya's POV:

Sweet,warm smell surrounding me wakes me up.I lift my heavy eyelids and blink fast as I adjust my eyes to brightness coming from window next to my bed. Blinds are up and bright,white light is entering my room.I turn my head on side but empty,crumbled pillow meets my look. I frown. Warm,soft sheets are covering my naked body underneath and I wrap them around myself as I get up. My messy hair is falling down my naked shoulders as I sit on bed wrapped up white sheets.My bare feet touch cold floor and I stand up.
Right next to bed lays wrinkled and crumbled clothes.Instead of taking my clothes I decide to pick up Shawn's gray hoodie laying on the floor. I pull it over my head and it falls down just over my butt. Quickly I put my hair in messy,morning bun and step out of my room. Quiet sounds of music playing downstairs catch my attention so I follow. View that greets me as I walk in kitchen is heaven like. Sweet smell I noticed back in my room is intense now. My eyes creep up on Shawn moving his body rhythmically to tunes. His back is turned to me and I see every part of his muscular back. He stands next to a kitchen stove only in his gray sweatpants. Pan in his right hand. His arm muscles tense up as he flips pancake. I gently lean on door frame and observe him. As he finishes with his pancakes he turns around and finds himself slightly taken up as he didn't expect to see me.Second after big smile is plastered on his face. I smile back. He leaves pancakes and comes forward. His honey eyes fixed on mine and his smile still on his face. He has ruffled hair that kind of "I just got out my bed" type which makes me bite my lip.
"Morning beautiful",he plants gentle kiss on my lips.
"Morning babe",I kiss him back smiling.
My fingers run through his irresistible soft hair.
"How can I not love your morning,ruffled,messy,« I just got out of bed» hair?",I say while sitting on a bar chair next to a kitchen island.
"Hmm..I would say this is «after great sex» hair",he smirks and winks at me.
"You ruined my idea of breakfast in bed",he says to me with a puppy face on before I could say anything.
"Well you are the one who put the blinds up",I shrug with my shoulders.
"But I appreciate it just like it happened.Let's have breakfast here,together",I pull his lips in a smile with my fingers.
With a sudden move he bites my finger and smiles at me.
"Ouchh!That's not so nice of you",I growl pulling my finger towards me.
"Ohh,you are no longer the one who can say what's nice and what's not",he winks and turns around to grab something from the fridge.
"And what's that supposed to mean?",I raise my eyebrows.
"Nothing.Nothing..",he coughs out.
"Shawn...",I look at him with my eyebrow risen and sharp look on my face.
" know..last night I found out that the ultimate goodie was ultimate baddie",he smirks again.
"When was I the ultimate goodie,you'll excuse me?",I stand up and come closer to him.
"All the time",he answers as he lays his hand on my face.
"Wrong answer",I whisper and bite his ear gently.
My body is pressed up against his and I can feel his muscular body tensing up whilst radiating heat.
"Misjudgment Mendes",I separate myself from him and sit back on the chair taking one of the pancakes on my plate.
"Always full of surprises ",he smiles and sits himself on chair next to mine.
"You could have concluded that by now",I look down at my plate purposely avoiding his look.
"You know..I love when you wear my clothes..really bad",his hand creeps up on my naked thigh.
"I wonder if there is anything underneath it",his hand goes up and up.
Suddenly I hear my phone ringing on kitchen counter. I must have left it here last night.
"And there goes my morning sex...and I was totally in mood for it",he shrugs pointing with his head towards my phone.
"Kept ringing since I got down",Shawn says while taking a bite of pancake,disappointed look on his face.
I laugh at him and jump up to pick up my phone.
It stops ringing as I get it.I read notifications.
7 missed calls from mom and 9 missed calls from Layla.
"Shit...",I curse.
"What is it?",Shawn asks and raises his head towards me.
"I totally forgot to,at least, text my parents",I say and dial mum.
"I wouldn't blame you",he smirks.
I roll my eyes as mum picks up.I apologize for not calling them and lie that I fell asleep exhausted quickly after I came back from Toronto. They landed safely. So we talk for couple of minutes more and end the call.As we finish I dial Layla interested in what is so urgent.
"Heii!",I hear her sweet voice.
"Hey! What's happening? 9 missed calls? Who's dead?",I ask right away jokingly.
" one. It's heard what happened in school yesterday",she says uncomfortably.
"Oh..",is everything that gets out my mouth.
I totally forgot about that.Great. Everybody is talking about it. The feeling of unease slaps me.
"How did you find out? Guess everyone is talking about it?",I ask disgusted.
"I'm not going to lie,but yes.I heard",she says gently.
I feel like I'm about to throw up.
"What I wanted to say is that you shouldn't worry about it.Professor Yatsko is an ultimate asshole and everyone knows it. Just don't let it concern you",she tries to make me feel better.
"Yeah sure..don't let it concern me that I'm school's slut now",I almost yell at her,"way to go new girl",I add to myself.
"Heyyy! Hey!! Stop! Everyone will forget by the end of holidays.",she yells back trying to stop me.
" don't forget about new „slut„ they can shame. God,I hate that word so much",I say.
"Nobody said that you're slut,Arya!",she screams at me.
"Yeah.Nobody said it to my face",I spit and hang up angry.
I feel Shawn's hands around my waist but I turn around and push him away.
Suddenly I feel disgusted with what happened last night. I feel like I just confirmed my new school "title" with it.
Shawn looks at me confused and tries to hug me again,worry in his eyes.
"No,no,no,just get away from me,please",I cry out,tears forming in my eyes.
"Baby..what is going on?",he asks gently still coming forward as I step backwards.
"Everyone knows now.Everyone",I sniffle.
My back hit the wall and I glide down it.
"Everyone knows what?",he asks gently while coming closer slowly.
"That I'm a.....",without enough strength to say the word I bury my head in my hands and tears start falling down.
Having those messages read out loud in front of whole class was humiliating,but realizing that news spread out from mouth to mouth quickly as a disease,well..that is soul crashing.
"This..this whole thing was a mistake",I sob.
His gentle touch on my shoulder suddenly turns into rough shake.
"No Arya! You don't get the right to say all this was a mistake because of what stupid schoolers think! Get yourself fixed,Jesus Christ",he raises his voice at me.I raise my head,tears falling down my cheeks and I look at him before he storms out of kitchen.
Underneath angry look on his face I can see something else hiding.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now