Chapter 38

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"I am really sorry for not telling you. I just didn't know how to tell you actually. He said I shouldn't say a word",Layla hugs me tightly.

"It's okay. I understand. I would do the same.Sorry for getting mad.I was an emotional wreckage at that moment",I say to her.

"You should totally come to Jeremy's party.Cmon..last one we went to was on the beginning of the freaking school. We need to get drunk,asap",she nudges my shoulder.

"I don't know,Layla..I don't really want to. They'll all be looking at me and...",I whine.

"So what? Stop thinking,caring about that. What? Are you going to hide in a rabbit hole forever because of that?",her brown eyes pierce through me.

"No..",I roll with my eyes.

"Soooo? What's the problem then? Come on..Shawn will be there definitely",she titles her head.

"Where is he anyway? He said he's going to be here",she asks.

"He was here, but I told him you're about to come and we should talk,so he left",I look away from her.

"So what are you guys now anyway?",she asks,but she is already expecting an positive answer.

"Us? Wouldn't know. Not friends,not lovers,not boyfriend/girlfriend",I sigh.

She looks at me questioningly.She didn't get the answer she expected,so it wiped a small smirk of her face.

"Just don't get started with that shit of me losing my virginity to a guy who doesn't even love me..with who I'm not even in relationship and blahblahblah..I might throw up at you",I say harshly.

She starts laughing at me and I didn't expect that at all. I frown at her.

"Who doesn't love you? Hahahaha..who are you fooling? If he doesn't love you then I'm a fricking cow. That boy loves you more than anything and that's clearly obvious to everyone, but you. Even Aaron has noticed",she lays her hand on my shoulder.

"Muuu...",I yell at her.

She looks taken back for a moment and then she frowns questioningly.

"Sorry to disappoint you cow. Before you,the cow,came he straight forward told me he doesn't love me",I take her hand off my shoulder and pet her on the head like she is actually a cow.

"Liar.He is fooling himself and you along",she rolls her eyes.

"Never mind,you two both are kinda of still not wanting to admit you love each other so I say we need a help from Dr. Alcohol. I'm not asking you anymore. You are going and period",she pulls me up on my feet from my bed.

"Yeah. I am going. When is it anyway?",I roll my eyes and smile at her.

You simply can't resist Layla,at all.

"In two days. Tomorrow we are shopping because I already know you were going to whine about what to wear",she smiles back.

"Okay 2 conditions. First one is that this time I pick what I'm wearing and the second one is you not to ditch me because of Aaron",I shove my two fingers in her face and speak.

"Deal. I don't care if you go in pajamas and I won't ditch. Also,Becky and Emma are going totally. Don't you ditch them because of Mr. Mendes",she leads me towards my closet.

"You can forget about that Mendes thing. Girls party. Yeah,Aaron included",I smile at her.

"Where are we going anyway?",I shake my head.

"Now my dear we are going to jog",she says and I look at her in leggings all set up.

"You can't be serious. Do you realize it's snow outside and like freezing?",I look weirdly at her.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now