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Pager buzzes and I rush down to the OR section of the hospital.

"Patient is ready for the OR",resident doctor meets me in front of the OR.

"Is the team assembled?",I ask.


"Okay.I'll scrub in.Tell the anesthesiologist to wait for me in the OR", I tell him and go to scrub in.

I enter the OR and scrub nurse hands me sterile mask,gloves and ties my gown. She ties down my hair and puts a surgical cap over it.
I thank her and approach the patient laying on the cold metal table.

"Hi,sweetie,do you remember my name?",I hold a hand of a small ten-year old girl.

"I do",she answers quietly.

Although she is sedated I know she feels scared in the back of her mind.Her eyes are wide open and she looks frightened.

"Don't be scared,sweetie. I'm going to take care of you and after you'll feel much better. Okay?",nurse puts her on heart monitor as I speak to her.

"Okay",she answers.

"Are you ready heroine?"

"Yes,I am",she smiles lightly.

I nod to the anesthesiologist and he puts a gas mask over her nose and mouth.

"Okay,count with me backwards from 10",I say as her eyes focus on mine.





"Six..",her speech is already extremely slow.

"Fiv...",and she is out.

"Scalpel",I extend my arm and assistant hands me the scalpel.

I slowly cut into her skin and that's a beginning of a long hours surgery which will save her life.


"How are you Manoela? You were really brave out there!",I visit my patient on who I operated earlier this week.

"Eu estou bem! Obrigado, doutor. Você quer ficar um pouco comigo e brincar comigo?",she says and holds my hand.

"Sweetie,I don't speak Portuguese..",I say to her and sit near her bed.

"Oh..how? You are not Portuguese?",she asks with a cute confused frown on her face.

"No,I am not. Why would you think so?", I ask her quite confused myself.

"But..but your last name is Portuguese.You are dr. Mendes,right?",she explains.

"Oh...",I laugh.

"Yes sweetie,but that's my husband's last name. He is half Portuguese. My maiden name is Christensen",I explain to her.

"Oh I understand dr. Mendes. Then no more Portuguese"

"No more Portuguese",I agree.

Our conversation is interrupted by the nurse who calls my name.

"Doctor Arya Mendes?",she enters the room.

"Yes,it's me",I nod.

"Your husband is on the line 4. Will you pick it up or I'll tell him you are busy at the moment?",she notifies me.

"Are you letting me go to talk to my husband?",I ask Manoela.

"Sim, é claro! /Yes,of course!/",she gives me a big smile and nods.

"See you dr. Mendes",she waves.

I smile back and wave to her as I walk out of the room to pick up the phone.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now