Chapter 27

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"I-I-I am....",I hear Theos' voice crack.
"What Theo? What is it? What's troubling you?",I ask scared.
He looks down at his shoes and words come out of his mouth: "Arya,I am gay".
I stand completely stunned and breathless.
"Oh,baby Theo! Why haven't you told me earlier?",I yell throwing myself in his hug.
"I wanted to,but...but I tried to push it away from me. Look Arya,I really like you and I really love you. The second we spoke to each other I started loving you. So I tried to push the feeling inside me and love you like a lover would, but now I know that's not who I am. I still love you,I truly do,but as my friend. Please,please don't tell anyone.I haven't told anyone but you. I consider you my best friend if I can call you like that. I trust you enough to say you this",his blue eyes looking for an approval and his body shivering.
Tears start forming in my eyes and I barely speak to him,my voice weak and full of emotions: "Dear God,thank you for him.Thank you for telling me,thank you for trusting me.I love you just the way you are and,God knows it's true,I am the most grateful person for having you in my life".
"Why are you crying?",he starts wiping my tears and hugging me.
"I am just thunderstruck with emotions. It makes me so emotional that you opened up to me",I say hugging him back even tighter.
It hit me hard.The way he spilled his soul out to me,not to anyone else,but to me.It hit me because in that moment I knew I would do anything for his sake. I am his wall to lean on. I have a true friend.That makes me emotional. Positively absolutely. It is a big thing when someone gives you their soul to keep.
"Go and find that idiot",his hug gets weaker as he speaks.
"I don't know where he is",I say quietly.
"Then call him",Theo says.
"He won't pick up",I look at the ground.
"You don't know that until you try",he says and points at my purse.
I pick my phone up and dial his number.
Tuu,tuu,tuu,once,second time,third.He is not picking up.I shove my phone back into purse and look at Theo.
"I told you he won't pick up",I say bitterly.
"Let's go.I'll drive you home",he says.
"Would you be mad if I walked home?",I ask.
"Absolutely not if you need a little walk.Just let me know you're home safely",he hugs me.
I hug Theo back and start walking in opposite direction of his.
I find myself kicking one small rock and being bitter over Shawn.
I knew he won't pick up.But where is he?
Streets are dark,only street lights light them up here and there.Cold,Canadian wind is blowing and I'm shivering. Silence is pressing additional weight on my chest as I walk down familiar street. Suddenly car rushes past me,but stops few meters away,tires crying because of friction between road and them.Tall figure jumps out of the car and starts marching towards me.My heart jumps into my throat.I start walking backwards and then running in opposite direction but someone yanks my arm.
"Get in the car",I hear as I'm turned around by force.
It doesn't take me even a second to realize who it is.
"Let go of me.You scared me to death",I pull my arm back,but he doesn't let go of it.
"Shawn.Let me go!It hurts",I yell.
"Only if you get in the car",Shawn says.
"Okay",I just sigh.
He lets go of my arm.
I start running away from him.I run fast but not fast enough.His big hands pull my body backwards and I almost fall.I hit my body against his and he throws me on his shoulder just like I'm a bag.
"Goddamn it Arya",he sighs.
"Why do you do things like this everytime?",he asks.
"Because I can",I answer simply.
"Bad girl",he groans as his large hand slams my butt leaving tingling sensation on my butt cheek.
I hiss.I can't help myself but giggle,my hand covering my mouth.
"You don't have to hide your excitement,Miss Christensen",his voice raspy.
Shawn puts me down on the seat as we reach out his car.Doors slam behind me and he jumps into drivers seat.
Engine starts and we drive away.
"Where were you? How was it with him? Did you have fun?",he starts with his questions seriously.
"Is this investigation or?",I answer sharply.
"I ask,so you must answer",he says.
"I must? I must do nothing",I raise my eyebrow.
"Don't get me started.Just fucking answer if I asked",he raises his voice.
"I told you something about raising your voice at me",I look at him.
His one hand on the steering wheel and other in his hair.He's wearing plain black leather jacket and black t-shirt under it.No matter what he looks smoking hot.I bite my lip at my view.
"Answer me",he says gently now.
"Okay as you are so curious.It was wonderful.I had so much fun and we were everywhere",I answer simply.
I see his hand gripping steering wheel harder and his jaw clenching.
"Did he kiss you?",he grips his teeth.
"None of your business",I bite inside of my cheeks.
I am not telling him anything about Theo.I'll let him think whatever he wants to.
"O hell it is.Did he touch you?",he suddenly stops the car in the middle of road.
"Now you are going over the border Mendes",I raise my voice a little.
He unbuckles my seatbelt and with his hand pulls my hips towards him.I feel him picking me up and I find myself in his lap,my back on the steering wheel.
"I asked you",he looks at me.
I smell alcohol in his breath.
"You've been drinking Mendes?",I frown.
"I asked you first",he grins and squeezes my thighs.
His fingers roughly pressing my thighs and it hurts me.
"He didn't not,okay?",I almost yell in pain.
I push his hands away and turn on light in side the car in order to see him better.
"Look at me.Look at me!",I yell and grab his chin.
"Are you drunk?",I ask with his eyes focused on my.
"What do you think,princess?",he smirks.
"I needed to distract myself somehow",he admits.
I say nothing,but try to stand up from his lap.His hands push me back down.I don't like him drunk.
"Imma tell you one thing",he starts.
I feel shivers going up my spine as his hand glides up my thigh.
His fingertips gliding up and his eyes focused on mine.
Shawn slowly unbuttons my jeans and slips his hand in them.
His long fingers and his fingertips firmly resting down there.
Air leaves my lungs and I feel heat coming up inside me.
I try so hard not to moan.
"This is mine.This all is mine",he says while his other hand is gliding over my whole body.
"You are mine",he says with his raspy voice.
My body shivers because of his touch,my eyes closed.
I feel his lips brushing against mine,but he is not kissing me.
The smell of alcohol makes me pull back.
He buttons my jeans up and puts his both hands on my face.
"Understand?",he raises eyebrow.
"I am yours,but you're clearly not mine",I say and move his head in side revealing purple hickey on his neck.
I look at his eyes and let my fingertips glide over the bruised area on his neck.
Without saying anything I open his doors and jump out leaving him behind me slamming steering wheel with his hands and cursing.
I get lost from him and run towards my home.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now