Chapter 11

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I woke up Layla and we sat on my bed.She told me the same story as Shawn and I told her everything.I opened and poured my heart to her.

''You know that the end of semester is near?'',she asked me.

''Well,do you know what that means?'',she asked me again.

''No idea?'',I replied.

''P A R T I E S'',she spelled out and continued,''...which means we will have great time and you will forget about everything and as I remember your birthday is soon''
''I'm in mood for that and yes,my birthday is soon,18th,huh,who would say?'',I said.
We talked and made plans until the morning.Layla decided to skip school today and stay with me instead.We had breakfast with my parents and then they needed to go on work.My mother and I made an agreement which made me extremly happy.They planned for us to go back to Europe for the Christmas/Winter break which will come in a month and so. I explained to my mother that I still haven't heard anything from my ''friends'' back there,so I don't really have anyone there.I suggested that I stay home and they go,they have a lot of friends back there and I believe they want to go.She didn't want to hear about that idea at all.My dad stayed silent and gave me the look ''I agree with you but I don't want to mess with your mother''.So I talked and talked with my mother.She didn't want to miss my birthday and all the other stuff,you know what would mother say to you if she was asked to leave you alone for a month,yeah that stuff...Talk,talk,talk and she agreed.ME,ALONE,FOR A MONTH,OVER HOLIDAYS,NO SCHOOL,MY BIRTHDAY,AM I DREAMING? As they left,me and Layla celebrated that.


Winter came,snow covered everything and everything was beautiful.School was going great,I had one of the highest GPAs in class and everything seemed fine.Shawn and me distanced from each other.We were still sitting with each other because there was no other choice.He stopped communicating with me and so I did also.It was like something was troubling him.I cooled off from him or I just thought I did,whatever.Holidays were closer as days passed.I hung out with Layla,girls and whole other bunch of people.I loved my life here.


My phone vibrated as I was in classroom.One unread message from Unknown.I saw everyone picking up their phones almost at the same time as I did.Professor was still talking,not noticing anything.

''Saturday at 8 o'clock,Greenwood 46,first party of this school year.Wanna open the season?'',message said.

I was in a group chat with other students.I looked behindme at Layla.
''WE ARE SO GOING'',she whispered.
People started replying with their confirmation messages and so did I.I simply typed ''Coming'' and I saw Layla did the same.
After class I met up with her and we decided that we need to go shopping because neither of us had something to wear for that party.She told me that every year someone organises that ''opening party'' and it's usually at that house in Greenwood.Whole school comes and by her words it's usually amazing.I was sooo ready for that,I needed that badly in my life.Later that day we went all the way to Toronto.Shopped all day and I saw Toronto for the first time.We arranged to meet up with my mom and dad after they finish working and go back home with them.Layla picked skinnytight,nude dress,with really big V line,for me.
''Leave the impression,new girl'',Layla's words to me as she picked that dress for me. 
She literally made me buy it.She bought also skinny dress but it was lacy.I was nervous because I'm not really used to tight dresses and big parties.

Saturday.The day of the party.My mother is on duty whole weekend and dad decided he will also work,so I was alone.Layla came over to my house as soon as she woke up.We will get ready here.I decided I should curl my hair and Layla will straighten her naturally curly hair.
''Will he be there?'',I couldn't resist but ask.
''Who?Shawn?Well,every year he is there,so I suppose he will.Don't worry,by the half of the night he will disappear with some girl'',she replied.
I just continued with curling my hair.
''Wait.How will we go there?I don't have a car and you don't have a car also'',I almost forgot about that.

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