Chapter 40

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But instead of a hug I catch him off the guard,clenching my fists and I sway with my right one directly in his face with all my strength.
I don't know if it's the alcohol or my punch,but he is in seconds laying down on the floor.His hand is over his nose and blood is slowly starting to drip through space between his fingers.

"What the fuck,Newbie?",he yells at me shaking his bloody hand off on the floor.

Let's not mention how much that nickname Newbie stings me. It all started with it. I liked it. Now I want to punch myself when I hear him saying it.Emotions are boiling in me as he sits down there looking at me and everyone practically surrounding us and staring. My breaths are shallow and fast.I am about to explode.

"GAME'S OVER. YOU LOSE",I yell while pointing my finger at him.

For a moment he turns completely pale. I see Layla coming towards me.

"Don't. Leave me alone!",I stop her with my hands.

Shawn's still on the floor looking at me with his bloody nose like he has seen a ghost. It must have rung a bell to him.
Strong pain hits me from my hand and I look at it. It is already swollen and a bit bloody. I've never hit anyone.

That's barbaric ,small voice in my head speaks.

Yeah..and I did it,in front of everyone. My hand hurts like hell now. I quickly turn around and go away from the crowd,everyone standing still like statues. Finding a bottle of alcohol I spill it on my hand. It stings like insanely much,but I just clench my teeth. I hope I didn't break my knuckles.I quickly exit the house and take my heels off.Then I run. Run,run,run,run and run until my lungs are burning and begging for air,my feet can't take it anymore and my heart is about to escape my rib cage. But I decide to ignore help calls from my body and run some
more until I enter my house. Everything is clean now. Layla and I cleaned it yesterday. I'm not making a mess again. That's why I run up towards my fridge. No alcohol inside. Nice..where do they hold it? Where do my parents keep damn alcohol?
Basement? I'm scared of that shitty place.
Ignoring my fear I run downstairs and find nice little vine basement. I quickly grab two first bottles and go upstairs. Opening them I sit on my bed and chug down whole bottle in one gulp.
You're going to die.
Again that little voice. I knock it down and open second bottle. Before I could do so,I feel vine coming back in my throat.I run in my bathroom,but nothing comes out. Guess my body likes being dead in this moment. I accidentally take a look in my mirror and that's when it breaks inside of me. I start crying like never before.
Look what he has done to you.
My chest aches,so does my hand and I feel like something is tearing me apart. I exit bathroom and find my spot on the bed again. I open second bottle and take a small gulp this time. Whole room spins already,so I,as carefully as I can,lay bottle on my night cupboard and lay down on my bed. I sob until I can't remember anymore.


Loud thuds wake me up. My head is killing me,so is my hand. I try to raise my head up,but fail.
Banging still doesn't stop.Somehow I manage to get up and I exit my room.

"Open the doors Arya!",I hear Layla screaming from outside.

"Open fucking doors or I'll call police or ambulance or whatever",she yells.

"GO AWAY PLEASE.I'M OKAY",I yell back at her still standing on the top of the stairs.

She doesn't stop slamming her hands on my doors and every hit echoes in my head causing it to hurt me insanely. I go downstairs and sit besides doors,so I don't need to yell which I'm clearly incapable of doing.

Complicated//Shawn Mendes//  !COMPLETED!  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now