(1.1) White

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Oh my god my head is on fire.

What the hell is happening to me?

Eden made a small grunting noise as she tried to sit up in the bed. Her eyes became blinded by a bright light when she opened them, causing her to snap them shut again in discomfort. She groaned, rubbing her eyes slightly before pushing herself up into a sitting position on the uncomfortable bed.

"She's waking up." A soft voice said from the girl's left, sending the injured girl into slight alert. A hand was pressed against Eden's chest to push her back down into the mattress, and when her eyes finally adjusted to the brightness of the room, she was able to see that the hand belonged to Elena Gilbert.

"Elena?" She mumbled, confused about why Elena was there, wherever there seemed to be.

"Hey, don't try to sit up. You hit your head pretty hard." What? Eden pressed a hand to her head and in the process brushed strands of brown hair away from her face.

"What happened? Where am I?" Eden asked Elena, looking up at the other brunette in confusion. It was very strange to her that Elena of all people seemed to be there with her as she had only just recently began talking to the younger girl more when she became friends with Jeremy Gilbert, her younger brother. Elena and her friends were a grade lower than Eden was and so they never really bumped into each other, therefore they'd never really had the need to talk unless it concerned Jeremy.

"We were hoping that you could tell us actually." Another, much deeper voice said from the other corner of the room. Eden looked at the man and tilted her head, not openly familiar with him but knew that he was also a member of Elena's gang of friends. His blue eyes stared back at Eden with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity which admittedly made her a little curious as to why he would suspect her of something. She started to answer but faltered when she realized that she couldn't recall anything past telling Matt that she was going home.

"I...I told Matt that I was leaving early, and I don't remember anything else." She frowned, finding it weird that she didn't know and couldn't recount anything that happened to her past that point.

"I guess you must have just had a little too much to drink." The man with the blue eyes sneered, earning a glare from the bed-ridden brunette.

"Do I know you?" Eden questioned, feeling a little violated that a man she didn't know was in her hospital room accusing her of drinking and yes even if that was the case, it wasn't up to him to decide that. He smirked nonetheless and stuck his hand out for her to take. Hesitating, she grabbed his hand and gave it a swift tug downwards before pulling back.

"This is Damon, he's Stefan's older brother." Elena pointed to him and Eden had to think for a moment before remembering who Stefan was, and then remembering the horrid things that Jeremy said Damon Salvatore was guilty of.

"Stefan is the guy you date?" Eden questioned, Elena nodded her head in confirmation and Eden looked back to Damon.

"Then why are you here?" She eyed him uneasily, a little suspicious to his and Elena's relationship. While she didn't consider herself to be in Elena's little group of misfits, she did know that Stefan had been gone for the entire summer. According to Jeremy, no one knew where he had been but Eden had come to the conclusion that he just ran away. Anyone that spent enough time around Damon and Elena would say that there was definitely something going on between them and Eden just so happened to believe the theory herself. As all of them were trying to figure out what would possibly be going on between the oldest Salvatore and the Gilbert girl, Eden wondered why Elena would want to be with Damon over Stefan. Something about him made Elena feel uneasy, and while it was true that she had never met him she had however seen him around town with various people, her old best friend included.

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