(1.25) Shots

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"I know what will make this day better!" Jana announced, bounding into Eden's room a few hours later with two large black bags in her hand, immediately sending Eden into panic mode.

"Jana, whatever you're going to say, don't. I'm not doing anything 'spontaneous' for another three years." Jana laid the two bags out on Eden's bed and shut the door behind her.

"You're crazy if you think that I'm going to let you sit in the house on a Saturday night. Especially when you leave tomorrow." She put her hands on her hip, a playful glare gracing her pretty face.

"Jana I would seriously love to just stay in the house and watch movies tonight." Jana made a face.

"Eden Marie Greer, get your cute little ass out of this bed and start being a good sport." Jana demanded, but Eden groaned and pushed her head under the blankets, sending a text to Jeremy about saving her from Jana's wrath. Jana scowled, and padded across the room to Eden's bed and threw the blankets back before dragging Eden out of her bed, causing her to land on her ass with a thump.

"Ouch. Jana!" She cried out, rubbing at her back. Jana helped Eden up where so she could sit on the bed and Jana leaned down in front of her.

"You've been pouting in here all day Eden, it's time to go out." Jana pulled her phone out of her pocket and connected it to the radio as it began blasting music through Eden's small room. Jana started dancing around for a minute before she took Eden's arm and pulled her up along with her.

"Dance with me!" Jana yelled over the music. Begrudgingly, Eden started to move with her but as she got more into the music she found herself swaying her hips along with her. The two danced around for about three minutes before Jana stopped them and Eden sat on the bed, completely out of breath.

"See, you're totally ready. Now, go hop in the shower and I'll be here when you get out." Jana panted, turning her back to Eden and pulling her shirt over her head.

"Where are you dragging me to?" Eden asked her, but when she doesn't answer, Eden figured it would just be best to do as she said so Jana wouldn't drag me off the bed again. True enough, when Eden walked into her room in just a towel, Jana was standing in the mirror adjusting her outfit. Jana was wearing a red romper that had the entire back out and was only connected through the spaghetti strap stings that criss-cross in the back.

"Wow Jana." Eden complimented as Jana turned around.

"You like it? I bought it a few weeks ago and I couldn't decide where to wear it." Jana smoothed down the light material and began applying red lipstick.

"Jana where are we going?" She said, actually looking at what Jana was wearing for the first time. While Eden knew that she didn't exactly have a shortage of nice outfits, Eden hadn't brought any of them with her for the simple fact was that she didn't plan on going out much this weekend. Her mother claimed that she wanted to spend time with both her and Stiles, but she was currently out with Stiles and Marie so they could do some winter shopping to prepare for the new season.

"We're going out silly. You're finally able to get into the right clubs and I don't want you to miss out on that while you're here." Jana said, turning around to look at Eden.

"Um, Jana I'm not old enough. I'm nineteen." Eden reminded her, but she swatted her hand dismissively.

"Trust me, if you're eighteen you're old enough. Just make sure you leave everything to me." Eden gave her a skeptic look as she looked at the other outfit laid out on the bed.

"Tell me that's not mine." Eden begged her. Jana walked over to the bed and held up the tiny strip of material that she was guessing Jana considered a dress.

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