(1.13) Impasse

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In the short time that Eden had been having dreams with Klaus, she'd learnt that what she knew about him from said dreams were completely different from the man she'd met in reality. They'd had conversations of many things, usually of what the world was like, yet the only time they'd traveled outside his birth home was when they were transported to the 1920's and as result she was pretty much used to the small meadow. So it's understandable that when she went to sleep that night and "woke up" to a large room filled with people dressed in very elegant, yet outdated formal wear, she was thoroughly confused. The room was about the size of a football field, with four large chandeliers lighting the room to give it a soft warm glow and six windows the size of three foot building adorning both sides of the room. Walking around, she spotted a large full body mirror reflecting the dancing couples and gazed at herself to see the new changes that had been made to her outfit.

The top half of her dark hair was bundled into a small bun with loose curls escaping it while the bottom half was adorned with bigger curls that fell down her back. Her dress was such a pale blue that it almost looked silver in the soft glow of the room. The sleeves on this dress reminding her faintly of the dress from the first dream with its drop sleeves and high neckline and a large diamond pendant necklace about the size of a golfball hung around her neck. She touched it fondly before turning away and searching for any sign of a Mikaelson.

"If it makes a difference, I think you look ravishing like this." Klaus whispered in her ear as she was taking in the scenery of a new dance. She jumped and scowled when she realized it was just Klaus, the one Mikaelson she was hoping she wouldn't find. She was angry at him for trying to kill Jeremy and while admittedly he did tell her that he was pretty much the bad guy, she was still upset that he actually did something bad.

He was more polished than he had been in his human days, yet more stuffy looking than he'd been in the 20's. His blonde hair was neatly groomed and styled into a small ponytail grazing against the back of his neck. His outfit was a dark blue three piece that fit him quite well but was not something that she would see men wearing today leading her to believe that they were pretty far back in his memory.

"I'm not talking to you." She muttered as she continued to watch the various couples dance around the large ballroom. From afar she saw Klaus' brother Elijah dancing with a pretty blonde in a blue dress. Klaus frowned slightly, turning her to face him.

"I'm guessing you heard about the situation with little Gilbert?" He tested, though one look from Eden confirmed that she had. She rolled her eyes, trying to ignore him. She had nothing to say to Klaus and while she wanted to scream at him, frankly she was too tired mentally to fight anyone else. While moping, she happened to lock eyes with a brunette man from across the room. Klaus followed her gaze and saw the man with a black suit looking at Eden. He growled, knowing exactly what it was that he was going to do. Surely enough, the man strolled over to Eden and offered his hand to dance.

"Excuse me mate, but don't you think it's quite rude to ask a lady to dance when her husband is standing right here?" Klaus wrapped his arm around Eden, pulling her to him possessively. Eden shot Klaus a look, attempting to remove his arm from her, but it was too late. The man looked between them, his eyes wide and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"My apologies sir." He bowed quickly and turned around, disappearing behind a door much to Eden's dismay. Eden yanked herself from Klaus' grip and glared at him.

"Why would you do that? He was cute." She groaned, crossing her arms, watching as Klaus laughed.

"You didn't honestly think I would let him dance with the prettiest girl at the ball when she so obviously belongs on my arm, now did you?" Eden felt blood rush to her cheeks and she cursed herself for letting Klaus know that the compliment had gotten to her. Klaus on the other hand, was also a little surprised himself that he let that slip. He had been thinking it of course because it was true, but he didn't want her to know that.

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