(1.37) Do Us Part

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The first thing Eden sensed when she was conscious was the smell of something spicy. It took the brunette a few moments to focus on the smell, but when she could, she got the distinct impression that it was salsa. The pounding in her heart came into focus and she jolted upright, putting a hand to her heart as she gasped out. Looking around in panic, she stood up off the bed that she was laid on and backed up against the wall, only to realize that she was in Jeremy's room. Twilight was settling in and Eden started to wonder how long she could have possibly been out and why she was out of it in the first place. She stepped inside her shoes and made her way to the door where she could hear voices coming from downstairs. She walked toward the steps slowly, listening in on what they are saying.

"...Are you sure Eden is going to be okay? She's been out for a while now." Elena was asking someone.

"Yeah," Bonnie answered confidently. "She accidentally linked herself to Jeremy through the spell and so it affected her too, but her heart started beating again by the time she got here." Eden snorted. She wasn't a witch so she couldn't have possibly linked herself to Jeremy. Bonnie just didn't want to own up to the fact that she had linked them.

"So what, she's just sleeping?" Jeremy questioned. There was pause before Bonnie answered.

"Sort of, I think her body was just in shock and she was trying to cope with it. I wouldn't be surprised if she came down the stairs any minute now." Bonnie assured him. The news was admittedly shocking, but Eden wasn't too surprised that Bonnie's spell backfired, Bonnie was still an amateur whether she liked to admit it or not.

"Well I hope it's soon. I don't want her to miss out on the festivities." Matt told her. They were throwing a party, for what?

"Yeah, it's not everyday that we get to take down an Original." Jeremy continued. Eden faltered, not realizing that she had gravitated down the stairs in her effort to eavesdrop. Who could they have taken down? There was no way it could have been Klaus, he was impossible to kill and Elijah and Kol were gone as well as Finn, so that only left Rebekah.

"Something tells me she won't be very festive." Bonnie said lowly.

"Please, she hated Klaus just about as much as the rest of us. This is the closest we'll get to his death and so I know she'll want to enjoy it." Matt said confidently. Eden froze, if what she was hearing was correct then that meant that they had done something with Klaus.

"No I think Bonnie is right, she's not going to want to celebrate locking away her boyfriend." Tyler said, and Eden heard the room quiet immediately.

"What did you just say?" Matt asked, even from where she was Eden could sense Matt becoming hostile.

"Chill man, I'm just saying it aloud. We all knew there was something up with those two. He practically threatened to rip the hybrids heads off if we ever tried to go after her." Bonnie shifted uncomfortably and Jeremy looked around, trying to see if everyone was hearing what he was hearing.

"Tyler maybe now isn't a good time-" Caroline started, as she was able to pick up on the sound of Eden's accelerated heartbeat, but Jeremy interrupted her.

"No Care, let Tyler finish." He sat his drink down, facing Tyler.

"You're telling us, that you want us to believe that Eden has been what, sneaking around with Klaus behind our backs? Come on man she never even saw him, let alone had time to spend with him. Besides, Eden isn't that kind of person." Eden winced at the confidence in his voice.

"What kind of person are you talking about?" Elena asked taking slight offensive, Jeremy snorted.

"Come on Elena that's not what I mean. I'm saying Eden's standards aren't so low that she would have to resort to being with Klaus." Bonnie frowned.

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