(1.15) Little Gilbert

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Matt Donovan was very confused.

With everything that had been going on in town lately with his friends, he assumed that Eden was at the bottom of the list so far as weird things go. But twice he had caught the girl mumbling an odd phrase in her sleep and now he needed to know if there was something to it. He was hoping to find Bonnie, sure that she would have an idea as to what it was, but he hadn't seen her all day and just as he was thinking of calling her he found someone else.

Alaric and Damon were planted at the bar, slumped over an old, dirty journal as they poured continuous shots of bourbon down their throats. Matt slumped over, assuming that the former would probably know a thing or two about it.

"Something on your mind, Quarterback? Or have you just noticed how ruggedly handsome I am?" Damon sneered when he saw that Matt hadn't moved away from serving him and Ric drinks. Matt scowled, but said nothing to the vampire and instead looked at his teacher.

"Can I ask you something?" Ric looked up from his journal and nodded at Matt to give him the go ahead.

"I know that Eden has been under a lot of stress lately, but ever since the night she was attacked, she's been muttering this...I don't know, this weird phrase in her sleep." Ric shot his drink back and slammed the glass down before looking up at the blonde.

"Okay, do you know what she's saying?" He asked and Matt made a face.

"I'm not sure it's English, it sounds like one of Bonnie's spells." Damon rolled his eyes impatiently.

"Okay lay it on us Donovan or get back to pouring our drinks." Matt ignored him once more and leaned against the counter.

"What's she saying?" Ric repeated.

"Den jævelen." Ric and Damon exchanged a look before Ric looked back at Matt.

"Are you sure that's what she's saying?" He asked and Matt nodded. He'd heard her saying it about six different times, there's no way he would forget it.

"You know what it means." Matt guessed and Ric nodded.

"It's Norwegian. The Vikings used a more..distorted version of it. Over time the dialect changed but some things are still the same." Ric scrolled through the journal furiously, looking for the page while both Matt and Damon watched him curiously.

"Vikings? Like Klaus' family?" Damon questioned and Ric nodded again before he stopped at the page he was looking for and tapped it twice where they saw he'd written the word down.

"It means 'The Bastard.'"

* * *

"Are you sure you're okay Eden?" Bonnie asked Eden for the third time as the three girls sat in her kitchen the next day. The night before she broke and called them up on how to deal with the fact that she'd been bitten and they offered to come over the next day. She hadn't called Caroline yet for the fact that she wasn't sure how she felt about her yet. Clearly, she had reasoning to have a problem with the Salvatores' and Klaus was a case of its own, but Caroline's vampirism had truly come as a shock to her.

"I appreciate you trying to help me guys," She looked to Elena and then back to Bonnie "Getting bitten is definitely not something that I wanna get used to." She joked, giggling with Elena afterwards.

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