(1.40) Runaway

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At approximately 7:32 in the morning, Jana Rosalind Martinez opened the door to her best friend's apartment and found her little cousin curled up in a ball on the floor as she held a small picture in her hand that she had taken of Klaus and her. Jana looked around, taking in the scene in front of her before making a mad dash to Eden. Jana frowned as she pulled her cousin up and into sitting position while Eden stared at the picture in front her. Jana took a look at the picture and immediately knew that this had something to do with the man in it.

"Eden sweetheart, what happened?" Jana asked softly as she pressed a hand to her cheek.

"He's dead." Eden whispered numbly, her throat was severely cracked from the amount of screaming she'd done and having had nothing to drink. Jana tilted her head, wondering if she had heard the other brunette correctly.

"He's what?" Jana asked, waiting for her cousin to say anything else than what she had just said.

"He's dead." Eden repeated, somehow managing to cry a fresh set of tears. She found this surprising, she had no idea her body had any water left in it at all really. She spent the entire night crying and when she finally ran out of tears, she began screaming. She was angry, angry beyond belief that Klaus was dead. He promised her that he would come back to her and instead, he was in ashes somewhere, she would never even get to bury him. Another tear slid down her face as Jana prodded more questions out of her.

"Eden what happened, what do you mean he's dead?" Eden didn't want think about it again, but she took a deep breath and told Jana exactly what happened.

"My crazy ex history teacher killed him." She answered in a monotone voice, Jana's eyes widen as she tried to process what Eden was saying.

"Your history teacher killed him? Eden this doesn't make any sense, what's going on?" For the first time that morning, Eden took her eyes off the picture and looked up to meet her cousin's worried brown eyes.

"Jana, he killed Nik. He killed Nik and now I-" She broke off, sobbing, and Jana pulled Eden to her. Eden wasn't sure how long she cried but the sun was just hitting its peak when she finally dried up and allowed Jana to pull her out of the mess and onto the couch.

"Eden, what do you want me to do?" Jana asked, her own voice a little strained by this point, she had never seen Eden in this much pain, not even when their grandmother died. This was raw, uncensored emotion that Eden didn't have time to control and it honestly scared the living hell out of Jana. Eden thought for a moment as she still clutched the picture of her and Klaus before closing her eyes, completely spent from all the crying.

"Help me pack." She mumbled. Jana's eyes widened as she listened to what her cousin requested of her.

"Eden are you sure th-" Eden's eyes snapped up to Jana.

"Jana help me pack." She repeated, her voice still weak from the crying but much stronger than it had been this morning. Jana hesitated, but nodded finally, standing to her feet and Eden followed suit, feeling slightly wobbly.

"Where do you want me to start?" Jana asked as she looked around at the mess on the floor.

"Collect every picture in the house and bring them upstairs, I have a place for them." Jana nodded, doing as she was told as she was careful of not scratching her hands while digging through the glass to collect pictures of their family and Eden's friends while Eden walked upstairs in a wobbly manner. She walked into her room and sighed as she saw Klaus' jacket was still strewn on the bed from last night. She walked up to it, reaching out slowly before clutching the black cotton in her hand. She stared at it for a long moment before bringing it to her nose and sniffing it.

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