(1.4) Memories

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"These are nice, where did you get them?" Matt asked Eden later that night, touching a petal on the bouquet of flowers sitting on her counter. Exactly four hours and half a bottle of foundation later, Matt had made an appearance at her doorstep with a six pack of Pepsi and a pepperoni pizza from their favorite pizzeria in town and was now thoroughly examining the small vase that sat beautifully on her counter.

"They were a gift." Eden answered truthfully, shifting uncomfortably. She knew that the next question Matt would ask was by who and she wasn't sure she wanted to tell Matt about her dream in fear of sounding like a crazy person. Instead, she looked around the room in an attempt to find a way to change the subject.

"What are they?" He surprised her by asking, his large fingers stroking the small petals delicately.

"Tulips." She told him him thoughtfully, thinking back to when she'd dutifully searched the web for a solid thirty minutes before finding the small rich colored flowers that were indigenous to Asia.

"How did everything go today at school?" She asked him while shifting through channels to find something for the two to watch now that Sons of Anarchy was over. Eden had never really gotten into the show, but she watched it dutifully so that Matt would have someone to geek out over it with. Matt looked up from the flowers, shrugging before he came and sat on the couch next to his best friend.

"It's fine I guess, there's a new girl though." Eden finally settled on some MTV show but turned to Matt instead of trying to watch it. She was fairly sure that she had already seen the episode anyways.

"There was a rumor going around that there is a new family moving in, is that her family?" Eden leaned her head on her arm as she looked at Matt, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah." He mumbled. Her eyes narrowed as she took in his sullen facial expression and caught the tone in his voice, he was hiding something from her.

"What aren't you telling me Matt?" He sighed and opened his mouth but didn't answer. She frowned.

"You know we don't keep secrets." She reminded him, causing him to grimace at the pact they'd made three years ago.

"Her name is Rebekah." Something about the name stirred something inside of Eden, but she couldn't put her finger on it, deciding not to question it too much, Rebekah was a common name.

"Is she pretty?" Eden questioned.

"Insanely, but she's a huge bitch. She isn't worth it." Eden smacked Matt's chest lightly.

"Language." She scolded, but Matt brushed it off.

"It's true. She's so horrible to Care and Elena. I can't imagine how she's ever had any friends." He ranted.

"Come on Matt don't be like that. You've called me a few choice names in the past and you and I managed to be great friends. Maybe she's just a little defensive because she's not used to what it's like here. Mystic Falls is its own kind of town. It's hard to feel like you're apart of something when you're just coming into the folds." Eden defended. It's not like the girl was a native and Eden felt bad for her, after all, she was once an outsider to the community as well. Matt snorted and Eden raised an eyebrow curiously.

"What?" He shook his head with a small smile.

"It's just funny that you say that is all." Eden rolled her eyes, deciding not to push it.

"You've been acting really weird lately, a lot weirder than usual anyways." Eden told her best friend as she stood up to go get a refill of lemonade, Matt's unhealthy obsession with soda was not something that she shared with him and despite the fact that Matt seemed like Mr. All-American at school, he downright refused to ditch the sugary drink despite Eden's numerous warnings.

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