(1.34) Secrets

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"Stefan what the hell is going on?" Eden demanded as he led her and Klaus to the abandoned classroom where everyone had gathered along with a boy she'd never met. He eyed Eden up and she rolled her eyes in disgust before turning away.

"Eden?" Her eyes snapped to the source of the call and without hesitating, Eden threw her arms around her best friend.

"Jer." She breathed as he hugged her. He sat her down gently and looked behind her, presumably to Klaus.

"When did you get here?" He asked her, his eyes still on Klaus.

"Not that long ago, maybe twenty minutes tops. When did you get in town?" Someone cleared their throat and the pair turned back to where everyone was looking at Bonnie. She eyed Eden suspiciously as she looked up from her book.

"Can we play catch-up later? I need to finish this spell." She said coolly. Eden let go of Jeremy and turned her body towards Bonnie. From behind, she could sense Klaus' eyes burning a hole into the back of her head as Jeremy still had his arm around her; an effort to keep Eden from Klaus no doubt. Bonnie began chanting a spell and they all waited patiently as she did this for about five minutes before the unknown boy spoke up.

"She does this all the time right?" He asked to no one in particular.

"What's taking so long," Klaus asked impatiently. "All boundary spells have a loophole." Eden turned around to glare at him but his eyes were glued to Bonnie. Matt burst through the door in the next moment, worry in his blue eyes.

"People are walking past the barrier and right out of the dance." Eden thought for a moment before she realized what that meant.

"The spell must be limited to the supernatural." Jeremy looked down at her.

"So you, Matt and I can leave?" Klaus' eyes shot up to meet Eden's.

"That means that Matt and I can leave and stop Esther ourselves." Eden frowned.

"I can help." She insisted.

"You'll not do anything." Klaus said before anyone else could get a word out. Matt looked from Klaus to Eden before nodding his head.

"Klaus is right Eden, you aren't going anywhere, it's too dangerous." Eden crossed her arms.

"So what, everyone else can help and I have to be the damsel in distress?" Stefan walked forward.

"It's not like that Eden, but you've never faced anything like this, you aren't prepared and we don't want you getting hurt." Eden rolled her eyes.

"I can take care of myself, and it's funny that you say that considering you've hurt me." She snapped.

"Guys!" Damon called out, causing the argument to fall from her lips.

"We just gotta figure out where she is." Stefan rolled his eyes.

"It's suicide Jeremy." Stefan called out lazily. Klaus smirked and in the next second his hand is wrapped around the boy's neck.

"Suicide is disappointing me." He looked at Bonnie.

"Work your magic witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy." Eden stepped forward, and Jeremy held her back.

"Let him go." Bonnie begged. When Klaus made no move to do so, Eden called out to him as well.

"Put him down Niklaus, he has nothing to do with what's happening." Klaus looked at her.

"Yes but his witch is the only way that we'll make it out of here alive."

"Don't be stupid Klaus, Bonnie doesn't give a damn about of us, the only reason she's helping right now is to save Caroline and Tyler." Stefan said calmly, walking up to Klaus. He faltered, his blue eyes darting over to Bonnie.

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