(1.24) Heart to Heart

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The next afternoon, Eden woke up to find herself listening to a screaming match going on between Jana and Stiles downstairs. With a sigh, she sat up in bed and decided to figure out what they could possibly be fighting about. She crept down the steps quietly and saw them both red in the face as they stood in the middle of the living room clearly too distracted to notice her, and it wasn't until Eden heard her name that she knew the reason for the argument.

"She's your sister Stiles, you can't just avoid her for the rest of your life!" Jana shouted, standing on her toes to get in his face.

"Like hell I can't! Why do you even care Jana?! This isn't even about you!" Stiles screamed back at his older cousin. Eden took a seat on the step, deciding to let the two hash it out and see what they would say.

"Of course it's not about me! It's about you getting all upset over the fact that Eden wanted space from your parents!" Jana replied. Stiles scoffed, sitting back on the couch.

"Really? Is that what you think it's about?" He asked in a quieter voice, but Eden knew better than to think his anger had subsided.

"I know exactly what it's about Stiles, I'm saying that you need to go and talk to her about it! She feels bad enough as it is and you making rude comments to her every five minutes just makes her feel worse." Jana defended.

"Since when should I care about her feelings? She didn't care about Mom's, and God knows she's barely spoken three words to Dad since he married Denise! She wouldn't even come to their wedding!" Stiles recalled, as did Eden. As soon as the invitation was sent out to her Grandma Astrid's house, she threw hers in the trash without hesitation and spent that weekend at the Donovan house.

"So because Eden doesn't approve of their marriage, that gives you the right to, what? Disown her?" Jana remarked sarcastically.

"She doesn't care Jana! Why should I?" Jana was about to say something else, but in the next moment Eden's phone rang, alerting both of Stiles and Jana of her presence.

"Eden." Jana breathed out, but Eden ignored her, looking to her expressionless brother.

"I do care." She told him quietly before retreating up to her room and shutting the door. She looked at the caller I.D. and sighed internally before answering the phone.

"Hello?" She mumbled weakly.

"What's wrong love?" Klaus asked, immediately sensing that something was off about the girl. She coughed, trying to clear her throat.

"Nothing, I'm fine." She said, though they both knew she was lying.

"Eden what is it?" Klaus pressed. Eden looked out the window, sighing as she felt a tear slide down her face. She wiped it away angrily, mad at herself for letting Stiles' words get to her so easily.

"Things aren't going good with my brother." Eden admitted.

"He hasn't forgiven you yet?" Klaus asked, Eden put her head in her hands, sitting forward on her bed.

"No, if anything it's only getting worse. I don't know what to do." Eden whined. There was a honking noise in the background and curiously, Eden wondered where he could be once again.

"I'd tell you to give it time but I fear that at this point it won't do you any good." Klaus murmured apologetically into the phone.

"He hates me." Eden groaned miserably.

"No he doesn't. No one could hate you Eden, he's just a little emotional is all." Klaus reasoned, and she sighed as she started wiping at her teary eyes again.

"Honestly I can't wait to get back home." She admitted to him.

"Ready to see me again I presume?" Klaus teased and Eden couldn't help the small smile that came to her face.

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