(1.12) Goodbyes

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"Eden open the door I know you're in there!" Matt banged his hand on Eden's door for the third time that morning, and Eden rolled her eyes in annoyance as she dug into her pint of cookie dough ice cream. She'd spent the last few hours nestled into the couch determined to avoid everyone from last night, Matt included. After Klaus told Eden about the Petrova bloodline, she felt like her head was spinning with the influx of all the information and when she woke up this morning a part of her did wish that she could forget, but she refused to be weak. Her eyes flickered back to the television where she'd been binge watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians for about two hours.

"God I literally can't believe they did that I feel so betrayed." Kim exaggerated but Eden nodded her head in agreement as she stuck a spoonful of cookie dough ice cream into her mouth.

"That's right Kim, you can't trust anyone, not even people you consider to be family!" Eden yelled the last part out in hopes of Matt hearing and he let out a small groan from the other side of the door. Matt hated that she found out the way she did and he wanted to be there for her last night but he had only just found out this morning from Elena and as soon as he did he rushed over here, only to be treated with stony silence by his best friend.

"Come on E it wasn't like that! We were trying to keep you safe!" Matt defended, banging on the door again. She scoffed, sticking another spoonful in her mouth.

"Issh note your job tub." She responded, mouth full of ice cream.

"Of course it is Eden, we protect each other, that was our promise!" She hesitated, before shaking her head.

"You lied to me, for years Matt! For all I know, you could be one of them!" While technically she knew this wasn't true, she couldn't very well tell Matt that she was having dream about a man who told her that pretty much everyone she had started hanging out with was a supernatural creature.

"E let me in, I'll explain everything! I promise I am not one of them!" She rolled her eyes.

"I don't need you to explain anything to me, I need you to leave!" She shouted, annoyed at how hard Matt was pushing her to talk when she clearly wasn't in the mood. The doorknob jiggled for a second before she could hear the definitive twist of the handle, and the door being opened. Without turning her head, She listened to Matt shut the door and walk around the couch so that he was staring down at her, arms folded.

"I want my key back." She muttered, realizing too late that she had given Matt a key to her place when she first moved in. She assumed he was trying to be polite by knocking.

"Seriously E?" He gestured to the bucket of ice cream.

"Don't give me that shit." She sneered, making him scratch at the stubble on his chin before he's taking a seat next to her on the couch. Eden shied away from him slightly but Matt either didn't notice or pretended not to because his eyes seemed to be magically glued to the television.

"I know you didn't come over here to keep up with the KarJenners so what do you want?" She snapped harshly and he flinched slightly, not used to her scalding tone. Matt was torn at first, conflicted on wether he should say something or not and Eden grew irritated.

"Matt I swear-" She started, but he cut her off.

"I'm not sure I'm the best person to tell you this story, Eden." He says lowly. Eden raised an eyebrow, sitting her ice cream on the coffee table.

"I don't need you to tell me the story, I already know it. I know it all. No thanks to any of you." She replied lazily, turning back to the television just in time to watch one of the sisters getting married.

"Who told you?" Matt asked, turning his whole body to face Eden. When she said nothing, he picked the remote up and turned the television off.

"What the hell?" She grumbled, trying to take the remote back without much success.

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