(1.22) Dimitri

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After lunch was finally over, Marie drove the women back to the apartment building that they all shared. The giant sleek skyscraper was the embodiment of New York living and if Eden wasn't so angry with her mother than there might have been a chance that she would have lived here with her. Jana and Marie excused themselves to go to their own apartments while Jana promised Eden that she would come back as soon as Eden wanted her to. The remaining ride up to the apartment was becoming increasingly awkward for Selena and Eden as neither of them really knew what to say to the other.

The elevator dinged and they stepped off. Eden trailed after Selena down the hall watching as she keyed her code in and unlocked the door before letting themselves in.

"You remember where your room is don't you sweetheart?" Selena asked as she headed in the direction of her office. Eden didn't respond, focusing on dragging the suitcase up the spiral staircase so that she could unpack the small amount of clothing that she had, after all she only planned on staying two days. Just as Eden put the last of her clothing away, she got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" There was a slight shuffling on the other end of the phone before she heard a response.

"When were you going to tell me that you were taking a little vacation luv?" Klaus asked, amusement clear in his tone. Eden sat on the bed, a small smile tugging at her lips despite her intentions to not conversate with the man. After all she was supposed to keep her distance from him. Though she guessed one conversation couldn't hurt, right?

"Well I wasn't under the impression that I had to tell you Nik." She responded lightly.

"Oh come on don't be that way sweetheart." Eden could practically see the smirk on his face.

"I'm not being any kind of way Nik, I'm merely pointing out a fact. I'm sure you can wreak havoc in Mystic Falls without me for a few days." She said, tracing the pattern of the comforter with her pointer finger.

"True, but it isn't as fun without you here." She scoffed.

"Nik I don't approve of most if not all of the things you do."

Nik hummed. "That's what makes it so much fun." Eden scowled.

"How exactly did you get my number Niklaus?" She asked.

"Tyler gave it to me, though I do wonder how he has your number and I don't." Klaus mused, Eden groaned.

"Fucking Lockwood." She grumbled, and Klaus laughed in the other end. One day he would find out why she despised Tyler Lockwood so much.

"Alright love I'll leave you be, for now. I'll be seeing you soon enough." A loud honking noise sounded from his end of the line and Eden raised a dark eyebrow.

"Nik where are you?"

"Taking your advice and seeing some family." The line went dead afterwards and Eden scowled, throwing her phone to the other side of the bed.

* * *

"Eden, Eden wake up. It's time to pick up Dimi." The brunette rolled over, groaning before opening her eyes to see her mother standing over her.

"Come on Eden, we have to leave in five minutes, fix your hair and put on shoes." Eden sat up, rubbing her eyes. She hadn't realized she'd fallen asleep and now that Eden had, she'd realized that it was a much needed nap.

"Alright, I'm awake." Eden told Selena, sliding her feet off the bed to stand.

"We'll be waiting in the living room." Selena walked out, leaving the door cracked and giving Eden time to change into a different shirt. She ran a brush through her dark hair twice, deciding that it was good enough for the time being before throwing a grey sweater on and lacing up her Converse. She padded down the stairs quickly where Jana and her Aunt Marie had joined her mother. Jana handed Eden a cup that she assumed to be coffee as Eden joined the trio downstairs.

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