(1.28) Brunch

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The next morning as Eden was waking up, she immediately sighed at the thought of last night's events. Her head had a slight aching towards the back reminding her annoyingly that she had been out drinking the previous night and that the alcohol had gave her the courage to do some less than classy things. With the sunlight beaming in Eden's face, she rolled around and almost screamed when she saw the sleeping man in the bed next to her. She slid back, not sure who it was that she could have possibly been sleeping when it was Klaus who-

She stopped, gently placing her fingers on the man's chin to turn his face around and sure enough, Klaus was asleep in the bed next to her. His face seemed to be almost centuries younger in his sleep and instead of snoring like most people, Klaus made a slight humming noise when he exhaled that Eden irritably found herself thinking was adorable. As he slept, Eden watched, giving herself time to really look at the problematic hybrid.

"Why are you staring at me?" He mumbled, causing Eden to jump and blush in embarrassment. She had been sure he was asleep.

"I-I wasn't." She said lamely. Klaus smiled, opening his eyes slightly. Despite what she assumed, Klaus had been awake for hours. It was starting to bother him that their connected dreams were becoming rare.

"Yes you were." He said triumphantly, watching as she scowled slightly. Eden sat up, looking around the room at her discarded dress. In confusion, she looked down at herself, grabbing at the purple top she was now wearing. Klaus sat up as well, his eyes cautious as he waited for her to speak again.

"You changed me?" Eden asked.

"You seemed to be uncomfortable." He said quietly. She nodded, grateful that he had done that for her.

"You didn't look did you?" She questioned, pointing at him playfully. He chuckled, shrugging.

"Well I mean, I am a man." She shoved him lightly, and laughed yet again.

"I'm only kidding Eden, I didn't look. I promise." She ran a hand though her knotted hair, thinking about the night before.

"I guess I should thank you for being such a gentleman." She admitted.

"There's no need." He said, brushing it off. Eden stood up, deciding that now was as good as anytime to wash up. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Klaus standing by the door, reading a piece of paper. Eden groaned, knowing exactly what it was.

"It seems I've been invited to breakfast." Klaus said as Eden dug through the drawers in search of a bra.

"It's not really an invite. It's supposed to be a way of embarrassing us. Mom doesn't like us inviting people over without her knowing and so she invites them to breakfast the next day to throw it in our face that we broke a rule." She muttered darkly, retreating back to the bathroom. She slipped the bra on and came back to her room where Klaus was fixing the bed from where they had slept.

"Neat freak much?" She joked. He stood up.

"Just making sure things are the way they are supposed to be." He assured her lightly. Klaus took a deep breath, her eyes glancing at the note on the dresser:

'Since I couldn't meet him last night, I'd love to meet him for breakfast.'

She grimaced once more before looking at Klaus, who was watching her with a curious expression.

"How far could you jump before you died?" She asked, Klaus laughed before placing his hands on her shoulders and leaning down so they were eye level.

"Don't be so dramatic Eden, it's just your family. You've met and survived mine, for the most part anyways. I'm sure I can handle your family." He assured her. Eden sighed, clearly he was underestimating just how bad her family could be.

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