(1.8) A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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"How are you tonight love?" Klaus asked her as the two of them sat in the meadow a few nights later. Eden shrugged, pulling at the small strips of grass between the flowers.

"Is there something on your mind?" He guessed, his blue eyes watching her destroy the beautiful plants. He'd hoped things had been going well for the brunette; she didn't seem like the type to invite a lot of problems into her life. Eden looked up at him, trying to figure out what to say.

"I don't know, I've been feeling a little out of place lately." She confessed, picking up a single flower and slowly counting the number of petals in her head before picking them off their stem.

"How so?" She placed a lock of hair behind my ear, a little annoyed with the fact that her hair was so long when she was usually adamant about keeping it on the shorter side.

"My friends, well I mean they're kinda my friends. They all act like they're hiding some big secret from me. I get that I'm not apart of their little Scooby gang but I wonder if they're up to something that could be putting them in danger." Klaus watched her carefully, trying to pick out the right words to say. He didn't want to give away the fact that knew exactly what she meant, and alert her that there was history between them and himself.

"Your friends, they get into trouble a lot?" He questioned tentatively. Eden sat up, leaning back against the large rock that they had gathered under.

"It's not like that, they aren't addicted to drugs or alcohol or anything shady like that, but I just can't help but to think that whatever they are up to just isn't good." Klaus sat back with her, staring ahead and into the waterfall.

"Have you tried to talk to them?" He asked her, but she just shook her head.

"It isn't my place to say anything. I just started talking to all of them, and I mean there's Matt but-"

"Donovan?" Klaus asked before he could stop himself. Her eyes narrowed, immediately suspicious of how Klaus would know Matt.

"Yes? Do you know him?" He hesitated. If he told Eden the truth then she might run to them about it, and then she would never want to speak to him again. It wasn't that he needed her company though, it was more so that he was learning to enjoy having someone to just...talk to. Even if he did despise the fact that she was able to see every memory he'd ever had.

"I've seen him around, yes." Klaus said finally, which wasn't exactly a lie. Though Eden's suspicion only rose as she had yet to see him anywhere around the town.

"Do you live in Mystic Falls Nik?" She asked. Klaus looked around, slightly uncomfortable for a reason that Eden had not picked up on yet.

"Partly. I'm currently out of town, but my sister is there." Eden scanned her head, thinking of all the girls in town who could be related to him. None of them looked like him, and Eden was sure that she knew every girl in town, so she found it quite odd.

"Can I ask you something?" Klaus nodded, though it was hesitant, and Eden began to feel as though she must be coming onto something that he wasn't willing to answer to.

"How old are you?" Klaus chuckled, of all the questions she could have asked him, this what what she had chosen?

"Depends, how old are you?" Eden laughed, smacking his shoulder playfully. It was the first time he'd been playful with her since they'd met and while she was beginning to get used to the stony man, she rather liked that he did know how to be funny. Albeit very rare.

"I'm serious Nik, how old are you?" Klaus' smile faded slightly.

"I'm twenty three, now how old are you love?" Eden flipped her hair dramatically, pointing her nose in the air.

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