(1.32) Blissful

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Beyond tired and mentally and physically exhausted from the day's events, Eden dragged herself to bed, turned her phone off and refused to take any calls. She crashed on her couch that night, too worn to make the trip upstairs. That night, instead of a dreamless sleep like she was hoping for, she was transported back into the same meadow that she had first met Klaus. Eden sighed, all too familiar with the scene before her.

"I thought we should get back to the basics." A low voice said, and Eden whipped around and see Klaus was facing away from her, his hands clasped behind his back tightly. Something was wrong.

"I don't enjoy my hair being so long." Eden muttered when she didn't know what else to say. Klaus smiled lightly before turning around to face the brunette.

"There is hardly a time where I would let you have short hair, I enjoy this too much." He walked toward her, moving a piece of her brunette hair away from her face. Eden swatted his hand away lightly, unsure of how she felt about him in the moment. Klaus seemed to sense her distress and frowned slightly.

"What happened after I left?" She asked him softly.

"Nothing out of the usual, Stefan came to save his near and dear brother and I had them collect the rest of the stakes for me. Needless to say that they did exactly as I asked." He wrapped his arms around Eden and she gave him a skeptic look.

"But you didn't hurt them, did you?" Klaus spun her around lightly.

"Of course not. Have a little more faith in me luv." He set Eden down and pulled her face up to kiss her gently. She let him have his way and wrapped her small arms around him loosely. After a few moments, Eden pulled away and Klaus placed his forehead against hers. She watched him, and Eden could see from the simple look that something was still wrong, though she wasn't sure if she should question it.

"I don't like arguing with you Nik." She told him with a small frown.

Klaus smirked. "Well you could have fooled me." Eden shrugged.

"Banter is different, what we did today is not something I enjoyed." She admitted. Klaus pulled away and took her small hand in his.

"Then we won't argue, I'll take you somewhere that we can enjoy ourselves, and you can tell me something about you that I don't know." Klaus led Eden into the woods and she picked up the skirt of her dress and followed behind him curiously. There was something off about Klaus and she couldn't put her finger on, so she hoped he would tell her soon. As they walked through the woods, the trees started to dampen up as their clothes were transformed into something similar to their 1920's garb, albeit a little more drab. Her hair was pinned underneath a salmon pink bowler hat and fit the matching dress that she was wearing perfectly. Her hands were covered with wrist length white lace gloves and the pearls resting around her neck felt cold against her skin as opposed to the diamond necklace she usually sported.

"How is it possible that you make everything you wear look so flawless?" Klaus asked as they finally exited the trees. She smiled, a blush spreading toward her tan cheeks as he led them down the empty street.

"Where are we headed Nik?" She asked him as he pulled her close to avoid the chilly night air.

"In 1931, I left Chicago to travel onwards, I took a steamboat with a couple of nomads and I thought that it would be the perfect place to take you." They rounded the corner and Eden watched as people boarded a large boat that was almost as big as the high school back in Mystic Falls. Klaus pulled her towards the line and just as Eden suspected, the ticket master paid no mind to them as they climb the many steps to get into the boat.

"Where are you?" She asked, seeing as the curator was ignoring them, she suspected that Nik had decided to observe his dream tonight.

"I'm down in the cabins, exchanging a few interactions with a blond werewolf." Klaus told her truthfully. Eden rolled her eyes but didn't comment as he led her to the top deck of the boat.

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