(1.31) Old Habits

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"Eden?" Bonnie looked between Klaus and her friend, taking in their close proximity with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Eden asked, stepping toward her. Bonnie jerked her head in the direction of Klaus, who was casually leaning in the doorway.

"He's making me do a spell to unlink them. He said that if I didn't, that he would have his brother do something to Jeremy." Eden's heart dropped when the Bennett witch told her this. She whipped around to face Klaus, who was now frowning at Bonnie as though she had just given away his secret.

"You did what?" Eden asked in disbelief. A scream from somewhere in the mansion was heard once again and Bonnie looked at Klaus in fear.

"What is that?" She asked as Klaus looked around casually, thankful for the distraction from Eden.

"I wouldn't let it bother you love." He murmured and Eden's heart twitched slightly at hearing Klaus call another woman 'love' even if it was just from habit.

"Well it does bother me, you bother me." Bonnie bit out. Klaus put a hand to his chest and pretended to be hurt by the sentence. Eden rolled her eyes in annoyance, not up for Klaus' sarcasm right now.

"The way you use people to get what you want, it's not right." She accused. Klaus stared at her with a blank expression, taking her in.

"You're being emotional Bonnie. I understand that things has been rough for you, you know with your mother leaving, again." The hybrid taunted as he walked toward Bonnie.

"Nik, don't." Eden snapped but he ignored her as he walked up on Bonnie, now only a few inches from her.

"I can help you find her, if you want. I have people who can find people. I can bring her back to you." He offered, and for a brief moment, Bonnie had a look of hope in her eyes and Eden felt horrible because she had no idea that Bonnie's mother way gone in the first place. It was all the drama with Nik, she blamed. If she had not been so caught up in her feelings then she could have been there for Bonnie.

"Or if you choose I can just bring parts of her back." Bonnie snatched her arm away in disgust and Eden glared at Klaus.

"Well isn't it obviously that I'm just going to keep hurting the people you love? Now I know the spell is in that grimore and I know it requires the blood of my siblings. So," Klaus walked past Eden over to a table situated against the wall as he picked up a small case. He walked back over to Bonnie, unzipping it and pointing to the small vials of blood inside of each of them.

"Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Finn." His eyes darkened as he growled and bit into his wrist. The blood began dripping down onto the carpet as Bonnie and Eden watched in slight disgust. Eden could never get over how effortlessly vampires could bite into their skin.

"Where do you want us?" Bonnie was stunned for a moment as she looked around before grabbing the cup off the table and letting his blood drip into it. Once Klaus' wound closed up, she took the case from Klaus and poured in the blood of each sibling one by one. When that was done, Klaus retreated back to where Eden stood and wrapped an arm around his girl. Eden tried to shy away from him, angry to know that he was still threatening Jeremy, but he pulled her back to him and instead of putting up a fight, Eden just let it happen. Bonnie watched the pair, and when she looked at Eden, the brunette looked away, unable to face her scrutiny.

"You threatened him, again." Eden accused quietly as Bonnie began her spell.

"Now is not the time for this sweetheart." Klaus said quietly, as to not let Bonnie hear their dispute.

"I told you that I wouldn't let you hurt him again Niklaus and I swear to God-" Klaus turned Eden around so that she was facing him.

"Eden, you underestimate me. I wasn't going to hurt him, I just needed to make sure that she would do what I needed her to do." Eden looked up at him, searching his blue eyes for some sign that he was lying.

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