(1.18) The Distraction

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A phone call was the first thing that reached Eden's ears the next morning as she lie asleep in bed. She groaned, rolling over to the other side of the bed to check the caller I.D.

"Elena?" She whispered, her voice still thick from sleep.

"Hey, I'm sorry to wake you. Do you think you could stop by my house?" Eden wiped at her eyes, willing herself to wake up.

"I'll be there soon." She told the other girl, ending the call before Elena can say anything else. Eden sat up, wiping her hair away from her face to see better. The dress she'd worn last night laid abandoned on the floor after she had slunk out of it to crawl into bed. Memories from last night swirled in her mind and she swatted them away irritably. She was beginning to have a dilemma with Klaus. Last night had definitely been a close call for the two of them and after she arrived home, she kept thinking about what would have happened had Kol not been there to stop them.

If she kept letting Klaus in, then she knew that there would be major consequences. Yes, she did mostly consider Klaus a friend but that didn't erase the fact that he tried to kill Jeremy and was adamantly trying to take Elena and whisk her off to God knows where. If Eden even entertained the fact that Klaus and her could be anymore than friends, she would lose all of her friends in Mystic Falls and while she had just started entwining herself with them, it was still nice to have them at all. She would try to distance herself, she decided. After all it was the most she could do as she knew that she couldn't avoid him since they shared the same dreams every night.

She began trying to think of all the possible ways that she would go about pulling herself away from Klaus as she drove through the town to the Gilbert house, but came up empty handed. She tried to leave it alone for now though, it'd do no good for Elena to know something was wrong. With that, she got out of the car and headed inside. As she moved up the stairs, she could hear Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline speaking of something that she knew had to do with Esther.

"...She's channeling our entire bloodline for power." Bonnie was saying when Eden knocked on the bedroom door, alerting the two girls she was there.

"Isn't that a little dangerous?" Eden asked Bonnie, planting herself on the other side of Elena's bed. Bonnie looked at her quizzicality.

"Why would that be dangerous? If it helps her then I'm on board with it." Eden got an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach and Elena noticed the other girl's expression.

"Is there something you aren't telling us?" Eden looked between the two before taking a deep breath. If she said nothing, then they would definitely know that something was up, but if she said too much then she would be giving away her secret rendezvous.

"I may have had a dream or two about her." Eden admitted, which technically wasn't untrue. They mostly concerned Klaus but she wasn't going to tell them that.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Elena asked.

"I didn't really think much of it, it wasn't anything unordinary. Just, like I guess it was just what the Mikaelsons were like before they were turned." Elena looked to Bonnie and Bonnie shrugged.

"Why would she show that to you?" Caroline popped out of the bathroom suddenly, surprising Eden.

"Hey Eden." Caroline said in greeting and Eden nodded her head towards the blonde in acknowledgement.

"I don't know really, maybe she thought it was something I should see?" Eden guessed thoughtfully, Caroline shrugged.

"Maybe she did it because Klaus has this freaky obsession with you." She suggested and Eden rolled her eyes.

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